First, "Ain't No Rest For The Wicked" by Cage The Elephant.
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Now for a song that isn't a single (yet, anyway). I got interested in Rise Against and recently downloaded a whole album by them instead of just the singles (like I've done with most other artists). One of the best non-singles on the album was this one, which I think actually would have made a better single than "Savior" did:
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The only other band whose entire album I've downloaded is Metric:
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Switching genres entirely, there are a lot of pop songs that I initially like but can only listen to X times before I get sick of them and am not able to enjoy them until I've gone a real long time without hearing them. "Just Dance" by Lady GaGa is one example of this. But for some reason, even though I've heard the following song over and over, I am still not sick of it and I don't think I ever will be:
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