Er, hi. How are you? I know it hasn't been very long since school got out, but, well, I don't think patience is something I'm known for. I'd be lying if I said I haven't been thinking about you. Is that weird to say? I swear I don't mean it in a creepy way.
Sirius and I have been settling back home rather nicely, actually. Mum helps, like she always does, making sure we've got plenty to do. We went to a Quidditch game the other day, actually! Falcons against Puddlemere. Falcons won, of course. They were down by 160 when Lockwood and Cartwright, being the fantastic chasers they are, landed two goals in a row and Derwent caught the snitch! Blimey, you should have been there.
So... I guess I hope you enjoy my awkward letter. I have to admit I'm kind of rotten at writing these things. Maybe you can teach me a thing or two. Write me back soon?
Sincerely, Truly, Yours, Impatiently,