POST HBP: The next day

Aug 18, 2005 17:40

unbridled_angst as Harry

It had been a long day. Draco had gone to his motel room, paid off the
last day and folded his clothing into his trunk and brought it back.
He'd also written to his mum about where he was staying, lacing it
with hints rather than saying straight out that he was living with
Harry. He'd given consideration to saying he had a boyfriend because
he really was quite excited about that, but he chose to leave it for
now. Maybe Harry would change his mind. He didn't want to jinx it. He
bought a few groceries and some extra soap and toiletries in case he
couldn't get out for a while and then ambled back to Grimmauld. When
he got up the stairs, he looked at the room he was first given and
then Harry's room, confused as to where he should put his things.

Harry had just gotten out of the shower and was walking down the
hallway towards Draco. "Hey," he said, grinning lopsidedly. He
blushed and looked back and forth between their rooms. "You can...
put your stuff… wherever you want…" he said bashfully, fiddling with
the bottom of his shirt. "How'd it go? Hear back from your mum?"
Before Draco could go in either room, he leaned in and kissed his
forehead. He didn't mention that Ron and Hermione stopped by, it
didn't seem terribly important. He'd told them that Draco was staying
there, told them that his mum had wanted him to. He'd even mentioned
that they needed to check on her. Ron had been the only one that
didn't agree. He hadn't liked this idea at all. There was a minor
fight, but Hermione resolved it. "So, what's it going to be? My room
or do you want your own?" That was his way of saying it was ok, but
still leaving it up to Draco.

Draco looked between the rooms, blushing a little. "Mum just sent back
a note that said she was happy that I'd found someplace to stay." He
was a little worried about her, but at the moment, making this choice
seemed terribly important. Biting his bottom lip, he took a sharp
right into Harry's room, dragging his trunk with him. He flipped it
open and opened the wardrobe and started to transfer his clothing into
the wardrobe. He was wearing jeans again since he'd been in Muggle
London, but the shirt he had on fit fairly tight and he'd earned some
odd looks that left him feeling faintly embarrassed. "What did you do
today? You're still all... damp," he noted as he looked up at him.

Harry bit the inside of his bottom lip hard when Draco went into his
room. He leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms over his
chest, watching Draco put his clothes up in his wardrobe. He couldn't
help but watch the way Draco's shirt moved over his skin, which caused
him to turn pink slightly and look away. Boyfriend. Harry had a
boyfriend. He'd thought about it all day, and zoned out for a bit
while Ron and Hermione were filling him in on what was going on. Only
Hermione had noticed. "I didn't do anything, really. Ron and
Hermione stopped by for a bit while you were out. I told them you
were staying here with me. I'm damp because I showered. It's
something I do from time to time."

Draco saw Harry look at him and blush and look away. He squirmed a
little at the way that made him feel. Almost shy, but mostly it made
his prick twitch. The way Harry looked at him wasn't entirely
different than the way the Muggles had, but Harry was the only one
that Draco felt that twinge of excitement with. His boyfriend. He
curled his toes in his shoes happily at the notion. "I bet they were
thrilled to find out I was here. Did you tell them... everything?" he
asked as he finished distributing his things. He closed the trunk and
set it on its side and slid it next to the wardrobe. "I always
suspected you might shower now and then," he teased after crossing to
Harry. He stood a little close to him and then shyly leaned in to
press a quick peck to his lips.

"No, I didn't tell them everything. Not yet," he answered. The
moment to tell them just hadn't arisen. And part of Harry was still
processing it. What if Draco changed his mind? What if Draco had
just been messing with him? And, well, he didn't want to dump it all
on Ron and Hermione at once. He pressed on, not wanting to give Draco
the wrong impression or make him feel like he was being hidden, "I
didn't want to drop it on them all at once. I've never had a
boyfriend. Of course, they're probably going to find out now that
you're staying in my room." He smiled at him and reached up to cup
his face and made him linger closer so he could kiss him. He kneaded
their lips together and whimpered into Draco's mouth, having waited
all day to do this.

Draco was about to admit to Harry that he hadn't written it to his mum
yet, but the hand on his face drawing him closer distracted him. He
stepped closer as Harry's kiss pulled him closer. Sliding his arms
around Harry's waist, he pressed closer. Ron and Hermione would know
about him soon enough because he was staying in Harry's room. The idea
thrilled him. Not so much that the others would know, but why
they'd know. Breaking the kiss, he whispered, "do you like my shirt? I
saw you looking at it. You can borrow it if you like." He grinned and
nuzzled his face against Harry's. "Thanks for letting me.. stay in the
room with you." He blushed a little as he thought about what they'd
done the day before. Being so close to Harry now, and the kissing
started to make his erection grow.

Harry tilted Draco's face up and kissed under his chin as he listened
to him. The idea of borrowing Draco's clothes made him smirk. If it
was that tight on Draco then it would be too tight for him. "No, you
wear it," he whispered, pushing his hips back against Draco's. "I
like the way it looks on you. I like you staying in my room," he
admitted. It didn't bother him that Ron and Hermione would know.
They'd promised to be with him and stand behind him no matter what.
He was, however, worried about what Mrs. Malfoy would say. She wasn't
going to be thrilled. Harry didn't have parents to worry about
impressing. "It feels like staying in my room excites you." He slid
his hand down Draco's stomach and over his erection.

Draco let his head fall back as Harry kissed over his neck. He
shivered with how soft and tickly it felt to have Harry's lips on his
skin. "I saw you looking at me again. You like looking at me?" he
asked. He exhaled loudly in a moan as Harry pressed his body against
him. It made him blush again. "I liked falling asleep with you, it
was... oh!" he gasped as Harry slid his hand over his cock. He widened
his eyes at Harry as he grabbed onto Harry's shoulders. "It's not the
room," he whispered as he pressed himself harder into Harry's hand.
"You like... touching me, too?"

Harry started to back Draco up towards the bed. "I really like
looking at you." He stroked his thumbs over Draco's cheeks and then
let him fall back against the bed. "How was falling to sleep with
me?" Harry didn't know exactly what he was getting at. He just liked
hearing Draco moan and feeling him so close. "I liked listening to
you fall asleep," said Harry, but that was all he could really get
out. He couldn't say how reassuring or peaceful that it was or how
intimate it felt. In his own way, he thought "liked" summed that up
enough. He crawled on top of him and straddled his waist, pushing his
knees into his mattress. Smiling down at Draco affectionately, he
said, "Do you think I like touching you?" and walked his fingers
across his chest.

Draco blushed when he realized he was on the bed and under Harry. "I
fell asleep really fast," he admitted as he wriggled to get into a
comfortable position on the bed. "I slept really hard, nothing woke me
up, either. Sometimes at the motel there were babies crying or people
making... weird noises... or I'd get scared that someone would show
up..." He squirmed under Harry, giggling a little at the tickling of
Harry's hand on his chest. He reached down to Harry's hips and bit his
bottom lip as he pushed up to slide his cock against Harry. "I think
you do like touching me." He cupped Harry's cock with his hand. He
wondered if they were going to do what they did last night and
squirmed his cock against Harry's ass again in eagerness.

Harry still couldn't understand why Draco had been staying at an
unprotected motel. Probably a Muggle motel, too. "Mm," he moaned
when he felt Draco moving against him. Instinctively, he responded by
grinding his hips down against Draco's and leaned down to kiss him
again. He reached down and grabbed the ends of the small shirt and
pulled it up over Draco's head and threw it carelessly away onto the
floor. He would have asked if Draco wanted him to touch him, but the
evidence was pressed firmly against his ass and inner thighs.
Blindly, he touched down Draco's chest and stomach until he felt the
fabric of his jeans against his hand. "I think you're right," he
said, awkwardly fumbling through his fastenings and slipping his hand
into Draco's pants to grasp his erection and pull it half free.

"Oh!" he whimpered as he felt Harry's hand sliding over his prick.
He'd been divested of his shirt so quickly, that he was a little
surprised to find himself shirtless and rubbing against Harry. His
back arched to feel Harry's hand harder against his prick. He reached
for Harry's shirt, pulling it up over his head, grinning at the small
spray of water from Harry's still-damp hair as he fell back on him.
The cool water on his skin made him break out in goosebumps. He
clutched at Harry's back and ground against him. "Merlin... yes..." he
whispered into Harry's ear. He kissed over the side of his face. He
tried to slip his hand down Harry's pants but his fingers got trapped
and he yelped and pouted.

This position was even more awkward for Harry's hand, but miraculously
he made it work. He curled his fingers around Draco's cock and
started to pull, kissing his shoulder and the side of his neck, and
enjoying the whimpers and whispers against ear. They fueled him on
and made him forget the dull ache in his wrist, made the hair on the
back of his neck prickle with excitement. Noticing Draco's hand
trying to get to his own erection, he paused long enough to unzip his
pants and rub their velvety lengths together. Feeling Draco stiffen
as though he were on the cusp of coming, Harry stopped and rolled them
onto their sides, pressing their naked stomachs together. Suddenly,
he didn't want it to happen so quickly. He wanted to drag it out as
long as he could, wanted to feel this... feeling as long as he could.
And his fingers showed it by the way they barely touched over the
coloring cock brushing against his stomach. "I just want to touch
you," he whispered. He stared at Malfoy and leaned in to kiss him,
nuzzling his face and breathing against his cheek.

Draco whined loudly when he was so very close to coming and then Harry
pulled away. His face lit up again as he was rolled onto his side. He paused to kick out of his pants and briefs and pulled Harry's of as well. He looked at his fingers, but they appeared to not be too mushed up from getting caught in Harry's jeans. Biting his lower lip, he
teased Harry's cock as well, sliding the tips of his fingers over the
head and down the shaft. He watched his delicate fingers sliding
through the clear fluid along he top and then he stopped to pull his
hand up to his mouth. He sniffed at the goo curiously and then stuck
out his obscenely pink tongue and licked at the fluid. He blushed at
the look Harry was giving him and he nudged Harry's face up to kiss
him, sharing the taste as he wrapped his fingers back around Harry's
cock and he teased at it.

Harry's hand stopped and his eyes widened, unable to look away from what Draco was doing to his finger. Not so much that Draco was licking his finger suggestively or that his tongue was so… enticing, but… it was his clear fluid on the end of his finger. He only got a brief glance at it, of course, because Draco swiped it away. Harry hadn't thought about blowjobs yet, but now that's all he could think about. He swallowed and shifted closer, moving his hips back against Draco's hand. Now he was curious, curious about what Draco tasted like. His tongue moved against Draco's, taking in the faintly salty taste. Slowly, he smeared the tip of his index finger through Draco's precome and brought his hand to his swollen lips. Staring at Draco, he licked his finger and swallowed, taking in the taste and the look on Draco's face.

Draco had been so curious about what Harry tasted, that he hadn't noticed Harry watching him so keenly. He hadn't even really been thinking about blowjobs, as the notion of them were only somewhat vague in his head. He hadn't really been with someone long; this was really only his second real experiment. He felt Harry's finger sliding over him, and tilted his hips forward into the teasing and groaned when it was taken away. Looking into Harry's face, he watched the intense stare turn naughtily gleeful as he lapped at his finger. Draco's plush lips fell open, his eyes wide. Realizing that he was staring, he blushed brightly and leaned in to hide his face against Harry's chest. "That was... really sexy," he whispered as he pressed his forehead against Harry's chest. He looked down at his pale fingers stroking Harry's cock. He raised his brows a moment and then impulsively lowered his head and quickly licked the tip of Harry's prick and then looked up at Harry, blushing at how naughty that seemed.

Harry had never had a blowjob, but he'd heard the boys in his dorm talking about them. Harry usually remained quiet when they were all exchanging stories -- mostly because he didn't have any interesting ones. "It was," he said, dazed. Now his mind was racing with things that Draco's tongue and lips and mouth could do. He was jerked out of his line of perverted thoughts when he Draco's wet tongue lap at the tip of his cock. "OH!" he squeaked and tightened his fingers around Draco's prick. Draco's tongue felt so much different than his fingers did. It was softer, warmer, and smoother. Harry preferred it, though he didn't say this out loud. "That felt good," he whispered. His erection twisted and he moaned again. It was starting to hurt. He looked down at Draco and then pulled him back up so he could kiss him, but he pushed his hips against his hand. For some reason, letting Draco do that to him with his mouth seemed… rushed. And he didn't want to rush. "Touch me?" he begged against his lips, starting to pump Draco's cock steadily.

"You liked it?" he panted against Harry's lips. He was still blushing madly from having done it. He licked Harry Potter's prick! He couldn't believe he'd done that. He was eyeing it to do it again when Harry pulled him back up. "I thought you liked it?" he asked as he squeezed his hand between them. He wrapped his hand around both of their cocks. Then he paused. "Wait..." he reached to the side of the bed where he had lotion. It was particularly slippery lotion he liked to use for tossing off. He poured some on his hand and then squeezed his hand around both of their cocks to slick them up so that their hands felt smoother as they moved over their cocks. He wriggled around so that Harry was lying atop him and tilted his head to the side to kiss him deeply. His other hand wrapped around to squeeze Harry's arse and slide over his lower back.

Yes. Harry liked it. So much in fact it made it so he couldn't wait to get off. He pressed his body down hard against Draco's, feeling the lotion and their skin… and Harry wasn't going to last terribly long. It was so warm and slippery. When Draco squeezed his ass, he started to move his hips, rubbing their hands and cocks together. He kissed him back, more hungrily this time, and started to tremble slightly. Needing air, he broke the kiss and whispered to him, "You're so beautiful." That seemed an odd thing to say to another boy, he'd never thought a boy could be beautiful, but seeing Draco in his tight shirt… well, he thought that was beautiful. He stiffened and buried his face against Draco's neck, feeling his erection start to splutter against Draco's stomach and hand.

No one had ever called him beautiful before and Draco... really liked it. He whimpered after Harry said it, his eyes closed as he rocked his body harder against Harry's hand, feeling the squishing and silky feel of the ridges of his fingers caressing his hard cock. Fuck it felt good, so perfectly good. He thought about licking Harry's cock, how dirty and wrong that was, but how excited he'd been doing it and the look on Harry's face. Finally, he felt the warmth growing and spreading over his stomach and he let out a choked moan as he arched his back and shuddered, adding to the mess between their bodies. He felt a bodily blush growing, his body felt tingly and alive even as all of his muscles started to relax. "You... seduced me... again," he whispered against Harry's cheek. He slid his fingers over Harry's sweaty back and grinned lazily up at him.

He couldn't help it. Harry watched Draco's face contort and change as he came. He'd never seen something so… sexy. He blushed a little, too, and grinned down at him, moving so their sticky bodies slid together almost disturbingly. He'd never even used lotion to wank before. There wasn't any doubt about it this time. Harry had seduced him. He didn't know what came over him, actually. He'd thought about Draco all day and then… he was home and blushing about staying in Harry's room and… "You shouldn't wear tight shirts if you don't want to be seduced," he whispered teasingly, kissing over Draco's upturned mouth. The shirt had a minimal amount to do with why Harry had wanted to kiss and love on him. He stayed laying in top of Draco, settling between his legs comfortably.

"Maybe that's why I wear such tight shirts," he whispered. Although he didn't think it was that tight, or that anyone would really care if he wore a tight shirt. But being amongst the Muggles and seeing the admiring glances he got, he started to think that perhaps he really was attractive. Of course, he'd always thought so, but no one at school aside from Pansy really said it to him, or even looked at him. "Maybe I want you to seduce me." He closed his eyes enjoying the soft kisses over his face as he started to rub his fingers up the knots in Harry's spine. "I like how you touch me. I thought about it all day. I wanted to get back quickly, and not just because someone might follow me." He grinned, and blushed slightly. "I wanted to be with my boyfriend."

Harry propped up on his elbow so he could still look down at Draco's face and watch the changes in expression, the way his mouth formed certain words. "What do you mean 'how' I touch you?" he asked quietly, enjoying the pillowtalk. "I thought about you all day, too." Pinkness dotted his cheeks and the bridge of his nose at being referred to as boyfriend and his heart somersaulted. "Your boyfriend missed you, you know. I thought about you in the shower," he admitted, making it seem more naughty than it was. It hadn't been perverted, more along the lines of "Where is Draco and why isn't he back yet?" Harry had been a little worried that Death Eaters would catch him, but… if he had hidden for this long from them…

"Well, no one else has touched me umm... there..." he looked down and bit his plush bottom lip. It was a bit swollen from their kissing and a bright cherry red. "And you touch me really softly otherwise. You feel my skin and caress me. You touch me really softly. No one else touched me like that before. Not that way. I mean, mum would rub my tummy sometimes when I was sick or patted my head, but it's much different than that." He reached out and traced his finger along the side of Harry's face. "Like that..." he caressed his lips and smiled softly. "You thought about me in the shower? I hope you didn't toss off, I want to be there when you come from now on."

"Are you revoking my masturbation privileges?" he asked teasingly, not at all realizing that Draco was serious. He turned his head and kissed Draco's fingers. "No one else is allowed to touch you there," he said in an equally possessive voice. "I didn't toss off. If I had I probably wouldn't have been up for seducing you when you got home." Which wasn't true, but he didn't know that yet. The squishy between them was starting to get sticky and uncomfortable. Harry sat up and grabbed his wand from the nightstand and charmed them clean, keeping Draco pinned to the bed with his weight. "You like belly rubs?" he asked, looking down at him. Dropping his hands to Draco's belly after he discarded his wand, he rubbed his fingers into the pale skin.

Before Harry had gotten the charm out, Draco dipped his finger into the mess and a string of it still clung to the pale digit. He brought it to his mouth and slid it inside, sucking it thoughtfully as he lay on his back. He closed his eyes, grinning around his finger as Harry started to rub the flat plane of his belly. "Yes, I'm revoking your masturbation privileges precisely because then you might not be ready to seduce me when I'm around if you're off wanking. I insist on doing all of your wanking for you," he said decisively. He exhaled slowly, enjoying the feel of Harry's hands on his skin and the idea of wanking Harry off regularly. "I don't want anyone else to touch me there."

Actually, Harry didn't wank very often. He never really had. His eyes bore into Draco's finger and his mouth. That was so… sexy. He shook himself and grinned down at Draco. "I see no reason to object to your revoking, then." He leaned down and blew raspberries on Draco's chest and giggled boyishly. He slid his fingers over his sides to tickle him and started blowing raspberries on his neck, feeling unusually playful. It was Draco saying he didn't want anyone else to touch him there. Although on a lot of levels Harry already knew this since he was the first to touch Draco there. It was obvious that he didn't want many people to do it. He just liked it. A lot. "Say it again," he said, tickling him harder. "And I may stop tickling."

Draco giggled riotously; no one really tickled him like that. His mum did when he was much, much younger, but not since he was a toddler. His legs and arms flailed around, but he didn't actually try to push him away. He actually rather liked it. Getting enough control, he pulled Harry against him, still flushed and giggling a little as he looked into Harry's eyes, his face lit up with a beaming smile. "Say what again? That I don't want anyone else to touch me like that? That I want you to be the only person who ever touches me there like that? That it is you and will only ever be you that touches me there?" He giggled a little and leaned up to kiss him deeply, he was still a little giggly from being tickled, but he meant it with all the fervor of a 17-year-old.

Harry giggled for a moment before Draco kissed him, and then he rolled them over so Draco was on top of him. He reached up and framed his face while they kissed, leisurely tasting his mouth and feeling around with his tongue. It felt like his heart leapt up into his throat at everything Draco said, but he couldn't really form a verbal explanation. He only kissed him back just as intently, sliding his fingers through his blond hair. Finally, breaking the kiss, he murmured, "I really like that." It was hard to tell if he meant the kissing or what Draco said. In fact, it was both.

"And no one else is allowed to touch you there. Not even you. Unless I'm watching," he ordered. He reached down between them, wrapping his fingers around Harry's cock as he grinned at him. "This is mine." He looked at him seriously for a moment and then let go of it and splayed his legs open to straddle Harry. "You're mine," he said, sitting up to look down at him like a pious king claiming territory. "I don't care what else you have to do, you're mine." He nodded as if assuring himself and then grabbed Harry's hand and sucked on one of his fingers looking simultaneously innocent and wanton. He grinned around it at him.

"You're awfully bossy about what about I can do with my hands," sassed Harry, poking him in the belly. His eyes widened when Draco started sucking his fingers and he felt his cheeks redden. That looked so naughty. "All yours. No one else's." Harry had automatically assumed that when boyfriend started showing up in the conversation. Not that people were lined up around the block to be with him. Well. Not the real him. Just… well, his name. He didn't think Draco was after his fame. It hadn't impressed him too much the first six years that they'd known each other. What a dramatic turn around. Harry pulled his fingers away, afraid that his cock was going to start stirring again, and stuck his tongue out. "You're lucky I like possessive," he teased.

"Well I don't know what the big loss is. You've had 17 years to enjoy the pleasures of your hand. I'm just saying that it's my job now. I'd prefer to have you wank me than to toss myself off. I didn't think it was any big tragedy," he said, pouting. All at once, his expression clouded over with paranoia. Maybe he wasn't any good at it. He visibly deflated. Maybe Harry just wanted to wank himself because he wasn't doing a good enough job. His eyes widened and darted around the room and he pushed off of Harry. "I'll get better at it. I just... don't know what you like... " He frowned and looked down at his hand and grumbled, "It was good enough for me..."

Harry liked that Draco thought that way, that's why he mentioned it so many times consecutively. He frowned when Draco pulled away from him and said, "No! I like… I like that you…" He blushed and looked suddenly bashful and younger than he actually was. "You're good at it now. I just like that you only want me for yourself so adamantly. He sat up and reached out to stroke Draco's upper arm as if to coax him back. "It's not a big tragedy. I just liked…" hearing you say it. He shrugged and felt his blush spread down his neck. Part of Harry found it amusing that Draco didn't want him to wank, but it wasn't exactly a big loss. Especially when Draco wanking him was ten times better.

"Do you... do I do it all right? Am I a good kisser?" Draco rolled back next to Harry and laid on his side next to him and gave him an imploring look. "Do I touch you all right? I've never done it before. You kissed Cho and the Weaslette and I never... kissed anyone. You've... been around other people and done things, but I never... I don't know what I'm doing. Am I doing it all right? Do you like doing it with me? Should I read some books?" he was starting down a spiral of complete insecurity, one that very few actually got to see, but suddenly he felt very needy.

Harry lay down on his side and reached out to touch Draco's face with the tips of his fingers. He let Draco finish asking him questions before he smiled gently. "Don't even compare yourself to them," he said sincerely. "You do everything right, Draco. I like the way you touch me and the way…" he looked down and appeared shy. "I like doing it with you. No, no, no books. You're a natural. I don't think you need any help. I haven't… done… much. Shh, stop getting upset," he said, leaning in and kissing Draco's forehead. He curled his body up to Draco's to press close and reassure him. "I like you. I like what we do and how we do it." I'm sorry I made you upset.

Draco grinned softly at Harry, but he still felt a little nervous. What if he wasn't any good at this? Would he lose Harry to Ginny or Cho or some other girl? What if he didn't really like boys? But then... Harry did look at him that way. He scooted closer and wrapped his arms tightly around Harry. "Everything? I do it all right? You love what I do to you? That was really dirty, wasn't it? When I licked your... umm... cock?" he asked, blushing brightly. He couldn't even make eye contact with Harry. "I like... you. I like what we do... and all of.. I like when you seduce me. Are you... did you and... have you umm... are you a um... " he got in close and whispered, "Virgin?"

Harry stroked Draco's side affectionately and nuzzled his face. Did Draco have to worry about losing him to someone? No. Harry liked that Draco was so inexperienced. It meant that he wasn't like Cho or Ginny. It meant that he was totally different and Harry liked that a lot more. "You do everything right," comforted Harry. It was true, though, or he wouldn't have said it. He smiled at Draco's blush and then his child-like whispering. "I didn't think it was dirty. I thought it was incredibly sexy. I think you're incredibly sexy." Harry was very proud of his answer to the next question. He didn't know many boys that were still virgins, but Harry didn't want to… give it away… to someone he didn't truly have very strong feelings for. "I'm a virgin, yeah," he answered without batting a lash.

"Really? Everything?" he asked as he let himself smile shyly up at Harry. He leaned into Harry's body and the nuzzling. "It was sexy, really? Do you really think I'm sexy?" He smiled a little, loving that Harry thought he was beautiful. "And beautiful?" Looking at Harry, watching him admit that he was a virgin made him grin boldly. "I am too." Although that was completely obvious, to Draco it was a pretty big admission. He was picky enough about who he kissed, of course he wasn't going to have sex with just anyone. He really liked that Harry hadn't gone all the way with anyone before, although to him, that was a long way away.

"I really think you're sexy and beautiful," he preened Draco, liking the way he responded to it. He knew Draco was a virgin, but having him admit meant something. Harry wasn't ready for sex either. But Draco made him think about it. A lot. He cupped Draco's cheek and kissed him sweetly on the lips. "I'm glad that you're a virgin," he said as if he didn't know. It will be more special. He blushed at the thought and reached behind him to pull the askew blanket around them tightly, cocooning them.

Draco wiggled in pleasure that Harry thought he was sexy and beautiful. He would never get tired of that. He beamed brightly and tilted his head up. He seemed to sparkle. He wasn't really thinking so far ahead as sex, although the idea of licking Harry's cock again definitely crossed his mind. He had more spontaneous dirty thoughts, he'd act on them immediately, so it was probably good he wasn't thinking of sex just yet. He snuggled into the warmth of the blankets and his boyfriend. "Then we can be together for the first time and it be just us... only us... when we do it. Which won't be for a while." He didn't even realize how bossy he sounded.

Harry liked that idea, them being each other's first. He pushed his face into Draco's neck to muffle his tired yawn, draping his arm around Draco's waist and slipping his other arm under his neck so he could stroke his hair. He liked how always snuggled into him, how it seemed so needy. Harry liked being needed. He didn't take it as Draco being bossy when he said that they weren't going to have sex for awhile. He actually agreed. "We should wait until it's… until we're… until… you know… until it's… special." Which meant "in love". "I want to be… in love… before I lose my virginity." He hid his face as soon as he said this because it was burning with blush. How pathetic did he sound? Proud of being a virgin? Yes. Had he ever said WHY out loud? No.

"I want you to be in love with me before we do that. And I want to be in love with you. I want it to be perfect and memorable. Not that it wouldn't be, but... I don't want to... rush it. We have time, don't we?" he asked. He slid his hand up and down Harry's side, feeling the warmth of his skin. His eyes fluttered shut and he yawned softly into his chest, catching it from Harry. Draco was neither proud nor really ashamed of being a virgin. He was just fussy; he'd always been fussy and would always be fussy. If 50 years down the line he was still with Harry and had never even kissed anyone else, he'd simply shrug and know that he just found what he wanted and had gone with it. He didn't feel the urge to try other things or other people; it meant that he hadn't gotten it right the first time. So in Draco's mind, this was it, and they had time. "You're going to be so in love with me."

Did they have time? Harry suddenly looked far away. No, they might not have very long, but Harry didn't want to say that and make it sound like he only wanted sex. "Unless one of us dies, right?" he said and giggled nervously. Was he going to be in love with Draco? Was that the warm tingly feeling in his chest? He suddenly felt guilty, like he was stringing Draco along by not telling him that he was the only one that could kill Voldemort. "Draco?" he whispered against his hair and then kissed his temple. How did you say something like that? Should he say something like that? Would it put Draco in more danger? He frowned against his hair and sighed. He squeezed him to him tightly. "Nevermind." How did he always manage to ruin happy thoughts with Voldemort?

"What?" he asked. He'd stiffened at the idea of one of them dying. It really was fairly likely, maybe more likely that he'd be the one to die than Potter, who seemed to have a string of good luck. Then again, with no Dumbledore to protect him, he figured Harry would have to face Voldemort alone. He knew that the Dark Lord was gunning for him. There was really no avoiding it; they were on a collision course. "You don't think you're going to live?" he asked after a long silence.

Harry looked away and took a deep breath. "I… it's not… that I think I'm going to die…" he said. Neither can live while the other survives. "I don't know if I'm going to. I don't know… there was this… prophecy that said neither can live while the other survives… and… anyways… I'm the only one that can kill Voldemort. I don't know if he's going to kill me in the process. It's really complicated." He frowned. "I'm going to kill him. I know that much."

Draco frowned, not really sure what to say to that. He didn't like it. He didn't even like the rumor that Harry might die. He'd seen death now, and it wasn't pretty, and even the most indestructible could be destroyed. "You're not allowed." He said finally. He looked up at the ceiling, blinking rapidly as he felt his eyes go glassy as they filled with tears. "You're not allowed to die. And that's that. No tossing off, no dying, and that's that," he said with finality. He blinked a few more times and the water was gone and he looked at Harry seriously. He was forbidding it and as far as he was concerned, that settled it. "You're going to kill him and grow old with me."

Grow old. Harry wanted to grow old so badly. And Draco wanted to grow old with him. It had been two days and Harry just… knew… that he wanted to grow old with Draco, put up with his fussiness, listen to him whine, take his ridiculous orders. Dumbledore dying scared him. Dumbledore was supposed to be unkillable. He pushed closer to Draco, this time he was the one that was needy. He was blinking rapidly, too. "You want to grow old with me," he whispered, leaning in and kissing Draco's face. "Hold me." He rolled so he was half on top of Draco and pressing all of his weight selfishly against him. "I want you to hold me," he took Draco's arm and put it around him.

Draco rolled under Harry and wrapped his arms and legs around him, shifting against the bed to alleviate the pressure of their hipbones mashing together. He pressed his forehead against Harry's and kissed him back over his face. "I want to grow old with you, and I want to hold you," he whispered against his face. He squeezed him tightly, closing his eyes as he nudged his cheek against Harry's, wanting to feel the softness of his skin. He slid one hand up into his hair, cupping his head and stroking his scalp gently. His other hand wound over his back and he held him tightly. "You're going to be with me. You know you can do this. I believe in you," he whispered.

It all just felt so complicated. He sank into Draco and let it melt away. The preening helped. He smiled into Draco's shoulder. "I know I can do it," he said. It being kill Voldemort. Harry just desperately did not want to die. Maybe that would keep him alive. He pressed kisses to the curve of Draco's neck and tightened the blanket around them. "You believe in me?" he asked a few minutes later, watching as his finger traced his name over Draco's upper arm.

Sliding his hands up to cup Harry's cheeks, he tilted his head up so that Harry would look at him and he nodded slowly. "I do believe in you, Harry. I didn't before. You have to understand... I... I actually did want to believe in you, but you were my age. Just another kid. Don't you remember me telling you to join the right side? I was... scared. For me, my family, for you... Merlin, even for Granger fourth year. Now I know you have to do it and... I know you will. You'll find a way. You always do. You're the Boy Who Lived, and I know that was luck and no one really knows exactly how it happened, but that's the point, isn't it? It doesn't matter if it seems likely going into it. You always come out of it alive. You will this time, too."
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