rp: resolutions

Jul 22, 2005 05:01

with unbridled_angst

Harry felt pushed away, but what could he expect? He'd obviously made
Draco feel bad. He frowned sadly and wriggled more into him, wrapping
his arms around him tightly. Part of him feared Draco would run away
now. The other part knew that was silly. Right? Harry pressed his
cheek to Draco's chest. He'd had only had this perfect happiness for
three days and he'd already ruined it. Harry felt like screaming in
frustration. He'd really ruined it. Only after three days. Three
fucking days. He swallowed and then sighed. "I'm sorry," he said,
realizing Draco wasn't going to add anything else to what he'd said.
He didn't buy that he didn't do anything. No matter how many times
Draco said it. "May… may I still… stay in here?" he asked with
surprising shyness. It was selfish in a way to force himself off on
Draco when he'd so clearly upset him. He bit his lip, wriggling
impossibly closer and clinging tighter. He closed his eyes tightly as
if he feared being run out of the room.

Draco was practically limp in Harry's arms, letting him cling to him as tightly as he wanted. He slid his fingers through his hair, watching his pale digits contrast with the dark strands. He just looked sad. He wasn't angry; he was too tired to really be angry. Kissing the top of Harry's head, he wrapped his arms around him, loving the closeness even if he knew it was more insecurity than love that was driving Harry to do it. "Of course you may stay." He nuzzled his face against the top of Harry's head and kissed it again. He wasn't going to throw Harry out just because he wasn't in love with him. It wasn't Harry's fault that he was unlovable. "I want you to stay."

Harry stayed. He clung to Draco and he tried to sleep. It wasn't working out for him. Sleep wasn't going to happen. Every time he managed to doze off, he jerked back awake from a nightmare. At least Draco wanted him to stay. It was insane, how upset he was after just three days. Harry felt like Draco's sadness was going to kill him, and he needed to fix it. The light started to peek through Draco's window and his cheek was still pressed against his chest. He wondered if Draco was awake. If he'd slept at all. He leaned up and looked down at him. "Draco?" he whispered. He traced Draco's face and propped up to look down at him. His eyes were closed and his breathing was regulated. Harry leaned in and kissed his forehead. He murmured to him that he was sorry, that he didn't know what he said, but he'd never say it again. He whispered that he was afraid of losing him and that he didn't want to be without him ever again. He confessed a lot of sweet things that he normally couldn't say when Draco was awake.

Draco had been drifting in and out of sleep for most of the night. Harry was rather restless and he could feel it. He felt a bit guilty for being such a drama queen and worrying him so much, but what could he say? He was hurt. And not ready to face Harry just yet. So when he called his name, he pretended to remain asleep. He listened to the sweet words but remained quiet, pondering them. Groaning groggily, he pretended to stir and then turned his head and kissed Harry's scar. "Hm? Not going anywhere," he mumbled as he gave Harry a tight squeeze. He ran his hand up and down Harry's back and let his eyes flutter open. "What time is it?"

"It's very, very early in the morning," answered Harry. He could tell, because the sun was making him squint in a way that only early morning sun could do. He was under the impression Draco hadn't heard him. All of his muscles felt tight from his lack of sleep, which made him stretch. It was Sunday. At least they didn't have to get up. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Draco's stomach, still smelling their sex on them. "Probably too early to be awake," he yawned.

Draco carded his fingers through Harry's hair, smoothing it back. "Well, if it's too early to be awake, then maybe you should be sleeping," he teased, caressing his cheek. He yawned loudly and stretched under Harry. He smiled slightly at the affection to his belly. "I must smell quite ripe." He continued to play with Harry's hair, smiling affectionately at him. "Did you miss me too much in your dreams to keep asleep?"

Harry purred at having his hair played with. He loved that. "You do smell quite ripe," said Harry, grinning back at him. He kissed his stomach again, though, and then traced his name over it with the tip of his finger. The smell wasn't that bad. Or maybe that was another one of Harry's strange preferences. "Yes. I missed you so much I had to wake you up and be the first thing you looked at today," he answered teasingly. Except for… it was true.

"Well, then it's a good way to wake up, except for the smell," he teased, wriggling out from under Harry. He hopped up and headed to the bathroom. "I'd hate to stink too much for you," he said over his shoulder, wiggling his ass goofily as he waved his hand to light the tiled room. Leaning over, he turned the spigots on in the bath and then stuck his long legs into the tub and sat down. "No bubble bath," he pouted as he waited for the water to fill.

"I have bubble bath! I'm not a complete barbarian," said Harry. Harry had bought it a long, long time ago. It was supposed to help calm and relax. That didn't cross his mind while he was digging around under the sink to find it. He pulled the bottle out and grinned as if he'd just done something extraordinary. I don't even know how I remembered this was here. He started to pour it in under the streaming water. The bottle was even pink. He almost blushed. He owned something pink? "See there? I'm good for something."

"You're good for a lot of things," he said, grinning at the pink bubbles and then up at Harry with an oddly mocking expression. After Harry set the bottle down, Draco's hands whipped out and he dragged Harry into the tub with him, sweatpants and all. "See, there you go. Now you won't stink either." He cradled Harry in his arms for a moment before sinking under the water to rinse himself. It slicked his hair back against his head and his head and face were half covered in pink, shiny bubbles.

Harry didn't say anything about being good for a lot of things. He opened his mouth to say something, but he was snatched into the water. Sweatpants and all. He squeaked and peeked over the edge of the tub to look at the water that had slashed onto the floor. "I didn't stink!" he protested, rolling over so he was lying on top of Draco and not pushing him against the side of the tub. He giggled at Draco when he emerged from under the water. He looked strangely cute, childlike with his hair slicked back and bubbles all over his face. He didn't even bother getting out of his sweatpants. That seemed pointless now.

"Yes you did, Potty. You always stink like a Gryffindor," he mocked as he ran his hand over his head, brushing back the bubbles from his hair. He wanted to be mad at Harry and have a proper fit, but he couldn't. He just gazed at him for a moment and then leaned in to kiss him, not even caring how bad their breath might be. The warm water felt nice over his aching muscles. Though he didn't complain, he was a bit sore. He hadn't had sex in months. Grinning, he pushed Harry's sweatpants down over his hips. "Didn't anyone teach you that you don't bathe with clothes on? Honestly, if I hear your lame excuse about growing up in a cupboard one more time..."

"Do you normally pull stinky Gryffindors into the bathtub with you?" he teased, kissing him before he could answer. "That's probably why I smell so bad, too. My cupboard didn't have a shower in it" he said, wriggling out of the garment and sticking his tongue out at him. He grabbed the bar of soap and started to rub it over Draco's chest. Watching the warm water and bubbles dissolve the lather. He dropped the bar and slipped his hands under the water and started to rub his lower stomach and then over his thighs. Harry was a little sore, too, but not nearly as much as Draco was bound to be. "Draco," he whined. "I grew up in a cupboard and it was horrible."

"Usually stinky Gryffindors aren't in the bathroom to be pulled into the tub with me," he joked back. He arched his back into the scrubbing, in spite of his reluctance to allow bar soap that close to his skin. But he couldn't really be too choosy, he supposed. That was his current motto. He had Harry. No point in being too choosy that he didn't love him. No, he wasn't going to think about that. The corners of his lips turned up at Harry. "There, there. I'm sure loads of people have grown up in cupboards. And at least you had little spidery friends." He tapped his fingers up Harry's back in a crawling motion up to his shoulder. "Why look, there's one now!"

"You know an awful lot about my life. I'm beginning to think you were stalking me before you were my boyfriend," he teased, pressing a kiss to Draco's lips quickly. Their skin was started to wrinkle. Harry took that as a sign to get out. He stood up and grabbed a towel off the shelf. He waited for Draco to stand up and then he wrapped it around him. "You shouldn't get my hopes up about my spidey friends," he said, trying to sound sad. At least Draco wasn't defeated sounding and sad looking. He stood on the rug, dripping wet, and framed Draco's face with his hands, smoothing his thumbs over his cheeks. For a few minutes, he just gazed at him wordlessly. Yeah. It was safe to say Harry loved him. "Hungry?"

Draco just smirked at Harry's insinuation about his stalking him. "No, I didn't quite stalk you, I just read your profile at the Ministry. As I recall, you did a fair bit of stalking me sixth year, however." He followed Harry out of the tub, sad to be leaving it. He was rather enjoying the warm soaky flirting. But again, his feelings likely didn't really matter. He pulled the plug on the tub and let the water drain out. He smiled softly at the gazing and stared just as intently back at his... lover? He nodded that he was hungry and stole a quick kiss from Harry's lips. "I could eat."

Harry towel dried off and pulled on a pair of sweatpants. He leaned
in and nibbled the shell of Draco's ear flirtatiously, giggling
against it, oblivious to Draco still feeling down. "I'll get you
something," he said, trying to piece together a nice breakfast he
could serve him in bed. It wouldn't be much. Harry still didn't have
much in his kitchen. He slipped out of Draco's room and headed for
the kitchen. Minutes later, he returned with a plate of toast that
he'd put jelly on. No butter. But he'd had jelly. In date jelly,
too. He sat down on the bed beside him and blushed for no reason. He
was obviously holding something behind his back.

Draco had pulled on his silky pyjamas while Harry was making toast. He
fluffled his hair and wand dried it. He looked like crap, he hadn't
slept. His brows furrowed and he wished he had a proper moisturizer
for the millionth time since he'd left Hogwarts. He finally headed
back to bed after cleaning the sheets and hopped in. He grinned at
Harry when he brought him jelly and took a bite of the toast. He was a
little surprised that he had bread in his house, but he didn't
question it. "Mm... I should've put a pot of tea on. Want me to make
some tea?"

Harry winced. How could he have forgotten tea? He felt silly now,
having wanted it to go perfectly. "I'm... I forgot," he said, turning
pink. He'd conjured a flower for him, and he dropped it on his
boyfriend's chest delicately. "I'll get it." Of course, Harry had
tea going. He'd just forgotten to bring it. He came back with a cup
of tea and took a sip before handing it to Draco. The bed dipped when
he sat down and half straddled him. He stared down at him adoringly;
not seeming to notice what Draco did about his face. His face was
back to its gaunt and tired look, too, but he was grinning crookedly.

Draco beamed at the flower and picked it up off of his chest, sliding
it along his jaw line. "You don't have to... I could..." but Harry was
gone and back with the tea. He took a few sips of it as he looked up
at Harry straddling him. "Thank you. You don't have to bring me
things, but..." he grinned about the flower and sat up to kiss Harry's
lips softly. Then he slid the flower down his face and sighed happily.
He really did love him. As much as he hated it, he really did.

I like doting on you. He slid his fingers through Draco's freshly
dried hair, nuzzling their faces together when he kissed him. It was
an ordinary flower. Just a white daisy. He watched Draco play with
it, feeling less silly for not remembering the tea. "You don't want
me to bring you things?" he asked, caressing his cheek. Harry did
love him. He'd realized it over the night. Why else would he nearly
drive himself into the ground over him being upset? Why would he act
the way he did with him? The more he realized it, the tighter his
arms got around him. "Nothing at all? Don't want my doting?"

"No, I like you bringing me things, you just... you know, don't have
to," he whispered, nuzzling him back. He set the flower on the
nightstand, not wanting to mangle it. He was going to still it later
and put it somewhere that he could keep it safe. "I like your doting
if you haen't noticed." He grinned and tightened his arms around Harry
just as tightly as his arms were around him. "I didn't sleep very well
last night," he confessed.

"I know I don't have to." He watched Draco sit the flower aside and
smiled to himself. His smile faltered when Draco said he hadn't slept
well. Harry hadn't thought that he did. He moved so he was lying
down beside him and then he draped a leg across his hips, wrapping his
arms around him possessively. This time because he wanted to feel
close. Not because he was insecure. "I didn't think you did," he
admitted, rubbing his nose along his cheek.

"Did you sleep at all? I didn't think you did either," he said as he
turned over on his side so that he could face Harry. He slid his hand
up and down Harry's side. He caressed his cheek and closed his eyes as
he leaned in and pressed soft kisses over his face. Tilting his head
to the sie, he parted his lips and deepened the kiss. He moved his
hand down over his thigh, sliding it up and down the leg laying over

Harry shook his head that he didn't get any sleep. How could he? He
shifted closer to Draco and pressed their stomachs together, his
posture going uncharacteristically feminine with the way he was
wrapped around him. He didn't notice. He slipped one arm under
Draco's neck and bent it, twisting the blond hair around his fingers
as he kissed him back. His tongue slid over his bottom lip and
flicked over his teeth, tasting the minty toothpaste. He rubbed his
palm up and down Draco's arm, breathing warmly against his lips.
"I'll never sleep well when you're upset."

"You make it sound like I'm going to be around here a lot, Mr.
Potter," he whispered against his lips. He nuzzled his face and left a
few more baby kisses over his face."You really couldn't sleep because
I was upset? I... it's not fair that I'm upset with you. I'm not
really upset with you... I'm just... I know it was fast, too fast tto
say that. I... I don't know why I did," he said, nudging his face
against Harry's neck. Except that I love you and I couldn't stop
myself. "It was really stupid and unfair to say."

"I hope you're around a lot," he whispered as he kissed over his
face. He nodded that that's why he couldn't sleep. He kissed his
temple and watched his fingers playing through his hair, letting Draco
hide in his neck. "I don't think it was stupid or unfair. I think
that's how you felt and you had every right to express it. You told
me because you wanted me to know, you wanted to share it with me," he
said, obviously having given this a lot of thought. "I… realized…
that…" I love you, too. "I said some things… and… Draco?" he
whispered, sounding quietly needy.

Draco frowned, why was he doing this to himself? He shouldn't have
brought it up. His tomach was churning now, his chest felt incredibly
tight. Harry was being nice, trying to be nice about things and he was
just pushing it. He pulled his head away from Haryr's neck and looked
at him after he'd called for him. He waited a beat and deciding he
couldn't take hearing another speech about how flattered Harry was
about it, he tilted his head to the side and kissed him deeply,
rolling over on top of him. He ground against him and whispered. "You
don't have to love me, Harry. I understand. I do. Just... don't hurt

Harry pulled Draco down against him, crossing his arms over his back
and holding him tightly. "I'm not going to hurt you again," he
promised, whispering against his ear. Harry stilled his hips when
Draco started to move against him. It wasn't about that. He knew
Draco would use that to distract him if the conversation got sticky.
And he didn't want Draco to think that would work. Because it
wouldn't. "I…" Was this the right time to say it? Was there ever a
"right" time to say it for the first time? "Draco, I love you, too,"
he whispered, looking at him vulnerably. Draco would either believe
him or push him away. But Harry was being honest. It was obvious in
how fearful he looked up at him. "I didn't… realize… it until… you
got upset and I… it just felt… and I wanted to fix… and…" he babbled

"You don't have to say that, Harry," he whispered as he kissed all
over Harry's face. It was obvious he wanted to hear that, even if he
wasn't sure if he believed it or not. No he did believe it, perhaps
he'd known that, but he was so terribly insecure. He kissed over his
neck and back up to his face again. "Do you really? Do you really love
me?" he asked between kisses, sliding his hands over his chest and
over his face. He kissed down over his chest and then back up his neck
to his face, still so very enthusiastic, all he could think was how
elated he was that he loved him back. "Are you my... are we...

Harry giggled happily into all the excited kisses, looking very boyish and elated. "Yes, yes, yes!" he enthused. As if the kisses were pressing him to answer more enthusiastically. Draco believed him! Draco didn't doubt him! He grabbed his hips and scooted him forward so he was sitting on his chest. He leaned up and kissed his belly, burying his face in it. "Mine. My boyfriend, my Draco, yes, boyfriends," he answered, nodding his head, ticklishly rubbing his nose against Draco's bellybutton. Of course, part of Harry already considered Draco his. Since the first time Draco snuggled him. He rubbed his hands over his skin as though he'd never touched it, dropping his head back against the pillow to look up his toned body. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Draco grinned and tried to look coy, smirking as if he were giving this idea of being Harry's boyfriend some serious consideration. "Hmm... I don't know, Harry. I need to make sure that you really do love me and that you really do want to be with me... hm... how will we make that happen?" he asked, until Harry was tickling his tummy and then he giggled and shrieked in a rather girlish manner and it made it seem like he wasn't at all an Auror. "Eeek stop!" he giggled as he fell off of Harry and then tumbled off of the bed, slamming onto the ground. "Ow!" he giggled, although it did hurt. He still rolled over on to his side, clutching his shoulder that had made the impact first, but he was still giddy and giggling, wincing now and then from the pain.

Harry was giggling while Draco teased him and squealed for him to stop. "Why, Malfoy, I never knew you were so ticklish," teased Harry, close to telling him that he liked this side giggling side of him, but then Draco toppled over. He rolled onto his side, eyes large behind his glasses until he heard Draco giggling. "You're going to break your neck doing that!" he said, and didn't quite fight back a titter. "Come here. Let Harry see it," he said, still beaming in that way that Draco said would hurt him the next day. He coaxed him back onto the bed and then straddled him, pinning him securely to the bed. "You're ticklish," he said, trailing his fingers up and down Draco's sides lightly. "I never would have guessed. I could have been tickling you all this time…" He leaned down and kissed his shoulder, still teasing his sides.

Draco was still giggling a little when he crawled back over to Harry, nursing his wounded shoulder and pouting. "You hurt me. See what damage comes when you torment your boyfriend?" he asked playfully. Then he found himself on the bed with Harry atop him. "Eek! Don't! my shoulder!" he whined as he felt Harry's fingers threatening to really tickle him. "Oh yes, I'm sure that would've gone over great during Quiddi- eek!" he shrieked as Harry started to tickle him. He giggled helplessly, tears streaming from his eyes as he tried to wiggle out from under Harry. "Haaaaarrrrryyyyyy..." he whined, curling his legs around Harry's he thrust his hips up, grinding against him, trying to distract him from tickling with molestation.
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