I am a woman

Oct 10, 2006 20:57


My instincts tell me that "everything is the same" and "everything is different" work out to about the same thing. Mikado read me a poem that ended "皆違う、皆いい", to which I responded "皆同じ、皆いい". I thought it was a rather clever response to a rather good poem. The poet was a feminist writing before world war one, she lived to be about thirty but was wise beyond her age (not to mention wise beyond her age). She wrote:

I am a woman and all I know is love, because little by little you've taken everything else away.

This is just the last line, the rest is sort of like "good little girls don't play at conkers" etc... with each line describing some childhood folly that only led to a severe scolding. Oh man, she was beaten so badly all the time, I have been told, and ultimately commited suicide during a custody "battle" (no such thing existed at the time) over her children. She left a death poem, as a poet should, that described how all she had ever wanted was to raise a child the way her mother had raised her, but that even that was being denied to her. VERY SAD, Mikado was all teary and I was all "I wish I had been programmed to feel emotion!" I felt it hard, that emotion we call "profundity".

Today I decided that perhaps "love" is a good word to describe everything, all together on the same plate, the universe, us, YOU (you know who you are), and all the eternal rest. Sometimes people use "aum" and sometimes they use "energy" or "God", but I think I like "love". If it's all made of the same thing when you get down close enough to the beating center of it all*, then any name will do: and love has a nice ring to it. Today my friend calligrapher wrote a little poem for me and Mikado, about everyone's different color and how they all come together to make a fine painting**, and about how they all come together to make a very big love. Well I was like "aw man, why'd it have to be about love: I am interested in this idea of everything being both different and the same and that being all right - love ain't cool!" As I was thinking about it, though, I came to think that maybe that word in that poem actually meant what I describe it as meaning up there. I think "aum" is a perfectly good way to describe love, and vis-versa.

I'm still thinking about that protolife-form and it's beautiful unifying simplicity. This is the way that crow picked trash out of the garbage, dropped it on the ground, and flew away; and the way my spellchecker, unable to make decisions, is just not the same combination of things as I am.


PS something is making Ziggy happy?

*Possibly a simplification; you tell me!
**One entirely too large to be perceived, mind you.
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