New Fic

Jan 23, 2007 08:55


Draco was still beautiful.

Harry looked over at the blond man cuddling up next to him on their bed. Draco was forty-years-old now, and yet he radiated the same enigmatic energy that had captivated Harry in their youth. His platinum hair had grown long like his father's, and flowed down his back. His alabaster skin had aged little with the passing time.

Draco leaned over and kissed him.

"Is something wrong?" he asked.

Harry shook his head and pulled Draco on top of him, burying his head in his lover's hair. Harry's fingers ran through the delicate strands and then slid down the arch of his back. Draco shivered.

"You're hands are cold," he whispered, his breath ghosting across Harry's neck.

"They're always cold," Harry said, his fingers dancing playfully along Draco's spine.

They kissed again. Suddenly, Draco slid his hand underneath the sheets and touched Harry's cock. Harry's eyes widened at the sudden warmth of Draco's fingers as they gingerly toyed with his foreskin.

"I can do it, you know," Draco said, with a hint of a challenge in his voice.

Harry acknowledged him with his eyes, knowing that he really had no choice in the matter. It had been months since they last made love. Harry couldn't deny him.

Draco pulled the sheets aside and began stroking Harry's still soft penis, waiting for him to become aroused. As they kissed each other, Harry sensed a certain impenetrable desperation. Draco looked at him with pleading smoky-grey eyes… waiting.

Harry closed his eyes and caressed Draco's buttocks. He desperately needed something to arouse him. Anything. A memory. He had to remember her.

She had red hair. Vibrant red hair and enchanting brown eyes. Harry remembered a night when they were alone in her dorm room during his sixth year at Hogwarts. They kissed passionately as they sat next to each other on the edge of her bed. Harry's fingers were entwined in her hair when she broke the kiss off and began unbuttoning her shirt. They kissed again. A mischievous smirk grew across her face. She quickly took off her shirt and removed her bra.

"I want you to touch me," she whispered.

Harry looked at her, suddenly nervous, as she untangled his left hand from her hair and placed it on her chest. She was so beautiful. Harry trembled as he touched her milky-white breasts. His fingers caressed her firm round nipples. She was absolutely intoxicating. As Harry held her, they stared at each other in electrified silence.

"I love you," she finally said.

"I love you," Harry replied.

Harry opened his eyes and saw his semen splattered across Draco's chest. Draco was grinning.

"I love you, too," Draco said. He placed his hand on Harry's forehead and gently stroked his scar. "I love you with all my heart."

Draco kissed Harry on the cheek. Harry began trembling. Tears welled up in his haunted green eyes as he buried his face in Draco's flaxen hair.

"What's wrong, love?" Draco asked, wrapping his arms around Harry.

"I love you so much, Draco," Harry sobbed, clinging to his lover. "I'm… so sorry."

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