Mellowdrone is the new storage server, it is made out of the remains of a B&W G3, this documents the software side of things.
Using Fedora 10 PPC net-install media.
- Skipped the media check
- ...welcome, language, keyboard...
- New Install
- hostname:
- TZ: America/New_York, RTC is UTC
- password...
- partitioning - custom layout
- sda1 - Apple Bootstrap (1MB)
- sda2 - ext2 (/boot, 488MB)
- sdb (ATA Hitachi HDT72101)
- sdb1 - software RAID (953869MB)
- sdc (ATA Hitachi HDT72101)
- sdc1 - software RAID (953869MB)
- sdd (ATA ST310000340AS)
- sdd1 - software RAID (953869MB)
- md0 (RAID1 [of sdb + sdd], LVM PV, Volume Group 'mellowdrone')
- / ('root', 10GB, ext3)
- /var ('var', 4GB, ext3)
- swap ('swap', 1GB, swap)
- Accept the 'no partition map' errors with 'fix'
- watch Anaconda explode with delight...
- Restart, walk through the options again, notice all the partition numbers have incremented by one...
- Recreate the RAID partitions and VG
- Anaconda succeeds! Well, at formatting the drives, anyway
- configure networking on eth1 (RTL....) using DHCP
- uncheck office/productivity software set, choose to customize further now
- uncheck everything but Base and Hardware Support
- wait on dependency resolution... this is a G3/300
- install proper unpacks itself and begins. 466 packages to install...
- reboot! system will now fail to work. yaaaay.
- drop into OF (Win-Alt-O-F) try boot hd:2,yaboot
- edit /etc/yaboot.conf
- change sda2 references to sdd2
- add nonvram keyword
- run ybin
- reboot system, drop back to OF, type the following
setenv boot-device hd:2,yaboot
system should now boot automatically into linux on power-on. running yum update and rebooting again is highly recommended.