Feb 01, 2007 05:20
So, just a little note from Billy and Elle, via me.
They're quite displeased with me because I keep having unexpected hiatuses (hiatusi?). They want to play more. Unfortunately for them thus far, real life keeps kicking their player in the seat of her pants. Hard. Ow.
I think I'm back now, for more than just a few tags. No, really.
Because I feel they need time to immerse themselves again, I'm going to make/allow/force the very scruffy Norrington to remain in the wings for a bit longer.
And you know, now that I'm back around, I'm really amenable to you know, talking on IM and playing more.
Oh, and Victor!player, I ran across a really good photo of his PB sitting in a coffee shop. He might even be drinking tea in it. Would you like a banner and icon? Or just the photo itself?
I think that's all.