Quit it Comic Books! Stop getting my hopes up!

May 12, 2010 20:03

DC, Why do you keep playing with my heart? D:
So I was looking at the cover of Generation Lost that has a character blacked out. After staring at it, it totally looked like Ted's mask. It even had the little beetle eyebrow things and googles. Well, turns out it was Max. The opposite of who I wanted on that cover. Why you do this to me, DC?
I just want Ted back. I want him back so badly. Not that I didn't love the issue of Generation Lost, but damn if it didn't make me sad. I just want Booster to have his best friend back! Watching Max and Booster fight each other made me so sad. YOU KEEP GIVING US EVERYONE BUT TED AND THE DIBNYS, YOU BASTARDS! I want my DC happy! DDDDD,:

I've been reading too much JLI lately. I think I might like Ted and Booster now as much as Bart. Which is saying a lot.

nerd, angst

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