AWA cosplay list and shit.

Jul 04, 2009 08:44

Ok. So I went fabric shopping yesterday, so here's a list of what's goin' on with my costumes.

-Fabric for undercoat? Check
-Fabric for overcoat? Check.
-Fabric for sash thing? Check
-Fabric for hat? Check
-Possible Ring candidate
-Hat to be altered
-Pattern for undercoat
-Wire for building hat structure

So I friggin got 13 yards of fabric for this shit. Let's hope that's enough and I don't screw up majorly.

Needed- Necklace x 2, Wig, shoe base, belts and shit for shoes, fabric for altering shoes, memento moris for the chain belt, BUTTANS- 18 needed,
possibly MAKING the ring so I can have a memento mori for that too.


-I HAVE NOTHING! Goddammit. Matching the fabric from the previously owned uniform is a pain in the ass and nearly impossible. BUT, Britt has some white twill she said she would help me dye. Anna, I think we need to look at school uniform stores for the pants and the pinstripe shirt. I looked alright and the prices are not terrible, plus we could get them matching. We've also gotta get red ties.
I'm in the process of finding a wig.


-Found out I have the exact pants she's wearing in the picture. Word. Also have 2 wigs that need to be slightly worked on, but almost perfect for her. Even have a headband attached. No fabric for the rest of it though.

Alright. Let the fun times roll. I gotta start on Undertaker SHORTLY.


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