hand striking

Aug 30, 2010 22:19

Whatever art you chose, whether it be boxing, Gong Fu (Kung Fu for those who do not know pin yin), Karate, or even kicking arts like Tae Kwon Do, you need to learn how to keep your hand safe while striking. For most arts, the most efficient method for hand protection while striking is by making a proper fist. The fist disperses force received while amplifying force given.

One of the first lessons you will get in an art is on fist creation. Here are the main points to keep in mind.


1. Curl in your index, middle, ring, and pinky fingers. Fold them in at the middle knuckles and then at the big knuckles at the base of the fingers. Make sure they are tightly curled in. This reduces injury, but still allows for squeezing that amplifies strength.

2. At the moment of a punch's impact, squeeze your fist, and then relax the moment the impact has passed.

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