I Live For Self Indulgence...

Oct 18, 2004 11:22

[ How I Feel.. | pleased ]
[ Now Playing.. | The Ponytail Parades -Emery ]


So yeah, i almost got hit by a train today...yeah,A TRAIN...
so im heading to Best Buy for a mini self indulgence(to buy cds)...and im waiting at a light and im behind some car so im directly on the train tracks..and out of nowhere the street lights start blinking red..i turned down my music and i hear a loud horn..then i look to my right and theres a frickin train coming towards my car..i was like holy shit..so i back up,ALMOST hitting the car behind me(because the jackass didnt back-up though there was NO ONE behind him), and i ended up about a foot behind the train tracks and two inches infront of the car behind me...thats how ridiculous the valley is..they dont even have the railroad crossing things..you know the white poles that come down to warn u a train is coming..

Mama gave me the credit card back...not such a bright idea...i spent $43 at Best Buy,$15 at a health mart,$90 at Karla's Gift Shop(fabulous place by the way),$30 at Walgreens,and $76 at the grocery store(i did some independent shopping for my diet..)It was fun! I also got sushi! hee hee..man is my ma gonna be pissed when she gets the bill..

-The New Blood Brothers cd "Crimes" (finally!)
-Emery cd "The Weak's End" (after listening to it all the time on the computer,i decided to finally buy it too)
-Norma Jean's cd "Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child"..i love those guys..might as well buy their cd and support them..
-New heart shaped Diamond earings(yay theyre pretty)
-Michelles' Bday Present(i give great presents)
-Tone 'n Tighten (lol)

Anywho today was fun!!
Tomorrow is gonna suck!
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