Aug 13, 2007 13:05
I don't really know the point to my title so don't ask. Today has been alright. Me and Stu had a fight. He got pissed off at me but oh well. Sorry the truth hurts. Anyhow, other than that, I'm alright. I am still recovering from my sunburn from the Renaissance Faire. Yeah...that was a lot of fun. I seen my friends Sean and Foti there. It was nice. Now I need to make my outfit for the September one and things will be great! I got what I believe is a bastard sword so yeah. See, I want to dress up like my DnD character Arrevanthas but I still need to get a few things. That would be cool. I am going to ask those guys who joust how I go about learning. I wanna learn so badly!! >.< I also want to learn to bellydance. Then, if I want to do a little faire like the one we went to, I could do that and when I do a big one, I can joust!
*Sigh* Sadly, I do not think I can join that coven that I wanted to join. They would not only be holding classes in Martinez (which is no problem) but also in Napa and Santa Rosa which are too far for me. I asked if she knew of any apprentice circles that are closer but I have to wait for a reply. Anyhow, made me sad because I really wanted to join. *Sigh* Things never work out...ah well...I guess this gives me more time to study Wicca more. There is nothing wrong with Solitary practise. ^_^
Anyhow, I am looking up the different classes that both LMC and DVC offer. Sadly, they lack in any real classes to help me become a park ranger. *Sigh* But DVC did offer something that seemed interesting which is Addiction Studies. That seems pretty interesting because well...face it, my views are VERY strong. I'll have to look into it. I dunno really though. GUH! I wish I knew what I wanted...everything just seems so...up in the air. Well school would have to wait anyway because I need money for that. The one plus for DVC is that they offer German, but the bonus for LMC is that I know the campus. *Shrugs* Guess we will see what happens. Well...I guess I will leave it at that.
Current Reading: The Righteous Blade by Stan Nicholls; Bastion of Darkness by RA Salvatore
Wiccan Reading: Wicca, A Year and a Day by Timothy Roderick; The Meaning of Witchcraft by Gerald Gardner
Current Project*: Valcrin basics (a made up world of mine and Stu's); a story that I haven't named yet