Finding Myself

Jun 30, 2007 13:55 far, today has been pretty good. Last night, Kaitlin slept in a pair of panties and guess what?! She woke up dry!! That make me super happy. I know, it was only one night but to a good start. She did have an accident today though but it was partially my fault. I didn't react quick enough. Ah well...hopefully it will get better. She is basically just potty trained, she just now needs to learn to hold it. Anyhow, I am happy because I figured out what I did wrong on the postal thing so now it's fixed. YAY! Hopefully I will hear something from them soon. I hope...I need a good paying job. If that falls through then I will look into the government jobs like Homeland Security. If I got that then it should be easier to get Stu back here! ^_^

*Le Sigh* Okay well...hmm...I originally has all these things I was going to say but...they've left my head. O_o Haha. Anyway...

Yeah so I am watching Britian's Next Top Model and in all honestly...they aren't as good as the America's Next Top Model I think. Yes I watched the Australia's one too. I dunno...I think ours is just harsher. I dunno...why I am writing about this...I dunno. *shrugs* Ah don't have to read it if you don't want to. Besides...I like to babble.

Geez, today I have mhy hands full. I am watching both Kaitlin and Orion. He's in his room asleep like a good boy and she is being a little turd and fighting it. *Sigh* The joy of kids. I love her to death but she is so freakin' stubborn! >.<

Anyway, I actually drew a picture yesterday and liked how it came out!! I wish I had a scanner so I could post it...and so I could start an online gallery. I will get one soon hopefully...hopefully! I can't wait to get one. I have wanted to start an online gallery for ages now. I don't know if I should use Deviant or Elfwood though. I am just happy that I drew a good picture yesterday. Maybe this is the sign that my artist's block is leaving...WOOT!! I hope so. Anyhow...I don't have much to say other than that so...uh...byebye!
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