Nov 03, 2005 12:57
So late last night I was walking down the hall and I ran into some guy I've never seen before. He was clad only with a towel wrapped around his waist, which he held up with one hand while the other carried soap and other shower necessities, and he was glancing around angrily, yelling, "Somebody on this hall owes me an ass-kicking! I challenge everybody here!" As I passed by he looked straight at me, said "Oh, hi," and went back to challenging the entire hall. I shook my head, tried (unsuccessfully) not to laugh, and got back to my room without getting into an altercation with the towel-clad warrior. I dunno what he was on...but dude, seriously, you're not big enough to intimidate anyone, you're challenging an entire guys' dorm to a fight, it's late enough that you're waking people up (which means you're gonna get your fight if you're not careful, dumbass), and you're wrapped in a towel. It was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. I'd almost like to know what was going on there...but it's probably better for my tenuous grip on my sanity that I don't.
So I had to wake up early this morning to read a bunch of stuff in my sociology book and go take a quiz (on which I got a B--I feel good). It was basically about the subcultures of middle and high schools. It included a few references to certain cliques speaking a language known as "black English." This amused me to no end. There was also a reference to "black boys who wore hip-hop styles" who claimed "that they experienced considerable racial profiling by school administrators." Wow. The people who model themselves after thugs are seen as troublemakers. Imagine that. But even in the textbook this is made out to be some kind of racism, despite the fact that later on it is clearly stated that minorities who are identified with groups OTHER than the hip-hop subculture are treated no differently from white students. Could it just be that the "gangstas" are seen as troublemakers because a lot of them are troublemakers? Of course not! That would make entirely too much sense! Racism, I tell you, it's racism! I mean, it has to be...we can't go blaming the thugs...
Idiots. If you want to talk like a thug, dress like a thug, and act like a thug, well by God you're going to be treated like a thug. If you want to be treated like a normal person, learn to speak regular English, pull your goddamn pants up, and try to stay out of trouble, OK? Glad we had this talk. Now I gonna bounce cuz I's hungry, bee-yotch. Nick James in the hiz-ouse.
(Good lord, I feel so dirty...)