About You
Name: Shinsou
Strengths: Making inferences and analyzing
Weaknesses: I tend to procastinate
Likes: Food, Gfx, Angst, Reading and Writing
Dislikes: Insects
Friendly or Abrasive? I'm friendly to those who know me and abrasive to the strangers.
Rash or Calculating? Rash. I act on impluse but there are occasions where i'm cautious and think before i act
Weak or Strong? Relative i guess.
Intelligent or no? Above average, but no, i'm not a genius.
Talkative or Silent? If i know you yes. If not, i'm silent.
Loyal or Independent? Loyal. Although it depends who i am loyal to.
Favorite character and why? Ichimaru Gin. Apart from his eyes, i like his personality.
Favorite Arrancar and why? Grimmjow. Nice attitude he has.
Least favorite character and why? Orihime. I can't seem to bear with her.
Least favorite Arrancar and why? Luppi. He pisses me off.
BLEACH (if you were in Bleach, etc. etc.)
What Hollow class do you think you’d be? (Gillian, Adjuchas, etc.) I have no idea.
Good, evil, or neutral? Neutral. I dont really like to take sides.
So you’re in Aizen’s Arrancar Army…where do you rank (Espada, Número, Privaron Espada, Exequias)? Número maybe, but i wouldnt mind being a Fracción. I'll probably work towards Espada though.
Who would you get along with? Gin. I'll enjoy taunting everyone with him.
Who would you have issues with? Luppi. But his dead.
Aizen-sama says jump. WHAT DO YOU DO? Ask why before jumping.
You’re given strict orders by Aizen to leave the intruders alone. Do you do so or go provoke a fight? I'll probably do so unless i'm feeling an urge to fight.
Any problems with any of the questions? No
Anything you think should be added? No
Anything else (No fanwanking please)? None
For the stamp: anime/manga/both (if available)? Both