Fail~ Faileria~

Oct 31, 2007 23:28

Name: Alice
Stamped as: Nel Tu
Link to application: link 0:

Have you ever been in a relationship?: not really no.
Do you prefer to be with a male,female or both?: Preferably male D:
What do you look for in a relationship?: Uhm. Someone strong enough to protect me probably, I'm not that strong really, and I get scared easily. So yeah...uhm...Also probably someone quiet and calm, too.. ._o But I seem to also like assholes with verbal abuse issues...
What type of clothing would you like your partner to wear?: uhm...Casual-nice clothes probably. Something at least a bit fashionable. But original x_O I hate people who go with fashion trends so much.

Quiet or Loud: uhm... this was answered above. Its probably someone who's quiet but not so such that he won't respond to his anger when pushed too far.And/Or someone verbally abusive. Don't ask why, yo.
Defending or Defenseless: probably a little of both...Someone really strong and protecting,and yknow, a little jealoused, though I could probably protect myself somewhat. Verbally at least. 0: ._o I'd hate to be loomed on in a conversation.
Kinky or Not?: uhm....maybe? ._o depends what 0:
Dominant or Submissive?: I'd be the submissive, definitely
Roflcopter skates chu gotz a fetish D8 Maybe 0: BUT I KNOW THE PERSON THAT WROTE THIS DOES TOO >_> you know who you are

Which Arrancar can you see dating and why?: uh... -points at random- 0: THAT ONE RANDOM #967.93232983297832
Which Arrancar can you not see dating and why?: uhm... prolly all the female Arrancar... ...and Noitora 0: because he scares the living shit out of does Aaroniero...
Would you let Gin rape you?:... YE--- -shot- >_> I'm not to answer that
No really what the hell would you do if Gin tried to rape you?: ... let him IHU TONI FOR MAKING THIS QUESTION D:

Any problems with any of the questions? No u
Anything you think should be added? Cactus
Anything else (No fanwanking please)? rape
Any themes you want to see in the future? etc.

!stamped, grimmjow, !activity

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