[BFF Theme] So much flashback arc in one.......

Nov 07, 2008 13:18

Name: Hiroshi
Who were you stamped as before?: Halibel
Link to application?:

What are some traits that you have that would make you a good friend? Calm, Cool, Kind, Sweet, and I can be playful at times when I get bored.
What are some traits that others think you have that would make you a good friend?
I'm more of a Brotherly type guy since alot of people think that I'm like a little or a big brother to them, Very honest, and respectful
What qualities do you look for in a person when making friends?
Respectful, Calm, playful, childish, ,Kinda hyper at times, loyal, and cool^^

What are some traits that you have that would make you a bad friend? I have a habit of doing things in the last minute and I'm sometimes reckless. Also sometimes I have habit of playing pranks on my friends when I get bored.
What are some traits others think you have that would make you a bad friend?
I tend to shoot my mouth off when someone gets on my nerves or when someone does something stupid around me.
What qualities do you avoid in a person when making friends? People who there too mature to play games or go hang out. Disrespectful, rudeness, People that take advantage of things, and dishonestly

What do you do with your friends? Play Video games, Go skateboarding or rollerblading, go read mangas, and go hang out to other places to chill.
How loyal would you consider yourself to your friends? Very Loyal and trusting
How far would you go to help a friend? Very far. Because I would always try my best to help her no matter what stands in my way
How loyal do you consider your friends to you?
How far do you think your friends would go to help you? Same as on top. They will do the same thing as I did for them.

Any problems with any of the questions? Nope
Anything you think should be added?
Anything else (no fanwanking please)? Just this application, no Male friends for me on this theme please. Thank You
Any themes you want to see in the future? Stereotype Theme if you have a chance to do one someday.

!stamped, !activity, neliel

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