About You
Name: Rabbit
Strengths: well, i can be extremely determined if it's something i feel passionate about. also, with certain people, i have developed a rather manipulative side which i will use to get what i want. other than that, i'm fairly creative ( i write, draw and act ).
Weaknesses: laziness is my biggest weakness. if i'm not interested in what i'm doing, it will be very hard for me to find the necessary motivation. also, being an only child, i was very spoiled growing up and i have a tendency to get very offended if things don't go the way i want them to ( which also means that i'm an extremely bad loser ).
Likes: i'm a nocturnal creature. i thrive in the night and usually if i could have my way, i'd sleep all day and be up all night.
i have a thing for the twisted mind, which i guess is one of the reasons that i almost always end up falling for bad boys. also, i love snobs -.-
Dislikes: heroes. i can't stand self-righteous people, and the whole "i should have saved them. i'm a failure blahblahblah..." ( which is why Ichigo tends to annoy me ). besides that, i passionately detest anything with dill in it.
Friendly or Abrasive? depends on who i'm talking to.
Rash or Calculating? i really try to b calculating, but i forget to sometimes.
Weak or Strong? strong.
Intelligent or no? intelligent, i hope.
Talkative or Silent? silent. i like to stay in the corners and watch.
Loyal or Independent? loyal on the outside, rebel on the inside.
Favorite character and why? hmm... it's hard to choose. i have a long list of faves, but i've recently developed a crush on Nnoitra. don't ask me why, but the guy just does it for me. and i do love his grin.
Favorite Arrancar and why? either Ulquiorra or Grimmjow. they are very different, but both have qualities i really like.
Least favorite character and why? Rukia. she just bugs me.
Least favorite Arrancar and why? i can't say. anyone who isn't Ulquiorra, Grimmjow or Nnoitra.
BLEACH (if you were in Bleach, etc. etc.)
What Hollow class do you think you’d be? (Gillian, Adjuchas, etc.) Vastro Lorde because i'm awesome.
Good, evil, or neutral? evil. or at least, sort of semi-evil.
So you’re in Aizen’s Arrancar Army…where do you rank (Espada, Número, Privaron Espada, Exequias)? Espada, again because i'm awesome.
Who would you get along with? i think i would keep so much to myself that it wouldn't matter.
Who would you have issues with? *points to answer above*
Aizen-sama says jump. WHAT DO YOU DO? jump, i guess.
You’re given strict orders by Aizen to leave the intruders alone. Do you do so or go provoke a fight? why go fighting when i can sit quietly in a corner and drool over Ulquiorra instead?
Any problems with any of the questions? nope.
Anything you think should be added? not really, no.
Anything else (No fanwanking please)? nahh.
For the stamp: anime/manga/both (if available)? either.