Wow! The flashback arc is over!

Jul 03, 2008 14:02


Name: Laura
Who were you stamped as before?: D roy
Link to application?: here


What are some traits that you have that would make you a good friend? Uhm.. I'm very indipendent, determinated, loyal, I have good communication skill, good sense of humour. I'm usually understands their feelings
What are some traits that others think  you have that would make you a good  friend? Good listener, realistic, trustworthy, honest, extroverted
What qualities do you look for in a person when making friends? Well.. I like my friends to be loyal, dependable, understanding and supportive of any decision I make

What  are some traits that you have that would make you a bad friend? lazy, impatient, critical, pessimistic, easily provoked and I have a bad temper
What are some traits others think you have that would make you a bad friend? Arrogance, sarcastic, critical, stubborn.
What qualities do you avoid in a person when making friends? I dislike close-minded people, liars

What do  you do with your friends?Going out for a walk, watch movies, go shopping, having fun!

How loyal would  you consider yourself to your friends? I feel very loyal to my friends, and they are completely loyal to me as well
How far  would  you go to help a friend? I would die for my friends and for the ones I love. They mean the world to me
How loyal do you consider your friends to you? I think that my friends are very loyal to me
How far do you think your friends would go to help you? Don't know. I hope they do the best they can


Any problems with any of the questions? No
Anything you think should be added? No
Anything else (no fanwanking please)? No
Any themes you want to see in the future? No

!stamped, grimmjow, !activity

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