Title: Worse Than Death - Chapter Eleven
Pairings/Characters: Halibel/Nnoitra, Grimmjow/Orihime, slight Szayel/Cirucci, a pairing from another series, Ulquiorra, Stark, Byakuya, Michael Jackson (seriously), some other crossover characters, and the DEBUT of Zommari!
Rating: T
Warnings: References to adult situations, some violence, language, total cracktasicness, and major OOCness.
Summary: In this chapter of Worse Than Death: Nnoitra gets kidnapped to take the fall for Michael Jackson, Orihime and Grimmjow go clothes shopping for their baby-to-be and run into Grimmjow's brother, and Szayel Aporro is forced to babysit his child.
Disclaimer: Own Bleach? WTF?! NO!
"Normally getting out of restraints was a good sign for him, but right now Nnoitra had never wanted to cry as much as he wanted to at that very moment