Drabble Requests

Jul 24, 2007 07:58

Because I post fics here every now and then, I figured I'd give a link to the requests I'm doing this week.

So, anyone seeking Arrancar fic, or anything such as that, can feel free to check it out?~


So as not to have this post be just that link, here, have two Arrancar drabbles

Title: King
Words: 383
Rating: PG
Character(s): Grimmjow & posse

He hadn't really believed it.

Title: The Strongest
Words: 3189
Rating: PG
Character(s): Noitora, Tesla

He knew he was the Stongest.

edorad leones, nnoitra jiruga, il forte grantz, shawlong kufang, nakim, di roy, tesla, fanfiction, grimmjow jaggerjack

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