Title: Worse Than Death - Chapter Five
Characters/Pairing(s): Szayel Aporro/Cirucci, Grimmjow/Orihime, and a teeny bit of Halibel/Noitora. Also heavily features Ulquiorra and Byakuya.
Rating: M for sexual situations, language, and a teeny bit of violence.
Summary: Noitora forces Grimmjow to go to the strip club with him and the rest of the male Espada (apart from Ulquiorra) after he hears that he didn't have a bachelor's party. Little do they know that Halibel has a little bachelorette's party planned for Orihime as well.
Warnings: Crack at it's very finest here.
Disclaimer: Any strokes caused by this totally cracked out story is NOT my fault, so don't expect me to pay the medical bill.
“Do I really have to go to the strip club with you guys?” Grimmjow groaned.
“Well, I guess I could always throw your lovely wife a bachelorette party she would never forget, if you know what I mean.” Noitora responded with a leering look.
“Alright fine!” Grimmjow spat out. Chapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter Four