I've arranged to get a solicitor on the case of this tedious personal injury, and that's pencilled in for Monday, so maybe the ball will be rolling on a possible compensation about the eejit taxi driver that mowed my friend and me down.
I've spent most of today re-reading some of my less illustrious paperback collection and entertaining myself with
verlaine's online LJ party - swing by and add grist to the mill!
Relating back to the subject matter of the title - we have a really low opinion of politicians, and I wonder if it's any coincidence many of them are trained as barristers? Draw a Venn diagram of "shady politicians" and "politicians who are legally trained" if you want to explore this further, I suggest.
On another note, I can't stop singing "The Saga Begins" by Weird Al Yankovich. I blame
chrisvenus for starting that off.