Oct 23, 2003 00:12
Well, the gig was absolutely *amazing*. Over 2 hours, loads of songs, sense of humour, and awesome guitar solos.
The supporting band, Must, are also pretty good, and I'll be shopping for the CD tomorrow on Amazon.
However - L (my friend) and I were walking back to the train station to catch the last train home, and were halfway across a zebra crossing when a taxi driver managed to hit us both.
He caught L's wrists, and smashed my knees. Somehow, neither of us ended up under the car, although I think that was somewhat close. We took his license details etc, and he rewarded us with the old chestnut "I didn't see you". We were halfway across a well-lit zebra crossing - how could you not see us???? Didn't look is likely a closer description of events.
I reported the incident to police on my mobile, and we caught the last train, although we were both in shock at this point, giggling hysterically and starting to shake.
L was met at the stop before mine by her hubby, and I carried on to Cardiff. With much trepidation I crawled into another taxi, but mainly for the reason that walking is now extremely painful and difficult, my knees have swollen up and hardly bend, and I have no idea how I'm going to take my New Rock boots off.
L & her hubby have just called to make sure I am ok (ie, home safe, and capable of getting to the doctor in the morning for an examination), which is very sweet and greatly appreciated whilst the Boy Wonder is away. Now going to pull bags of assorted frozen veg out of the freezer to place on knees, having dosed up on ibuprofen for the swelling.... And it was so nearly a fantastic evening, too....