Yesterday - woke up, realised something wasn't right, it took me a few minutes to realise I couldn't see out of my left eye. Migraine brought on by hormonal fluctuation. Gah. Went back to bed after calling work and taking my meds.
Surfaced at about 7-ish eventually, still feeling a bit nasty but not as bad.
Spoke to
waistcoatmark, doing that kind of twice yearly catch up game that we seem to have fallen into, but do indeed plan to be at the Party. I'm resolutely *not* telling the Boy Wonder about the theme, as he's been desperate for an excuse to make Borg drone outfits and feel that I'm not going to encourage him. Also, I have no intention of wearing such an outfit on the train. It'd be silly. And uncomfortable.
I'm stranded in the office on my own all day today, and likely tomorrow, so please excuse me if I end up wiffling on about irrelevant tosh.