Holla' homies
So my mommers and I are heading on an epic roadtrip of self-discovery this weekend and I'm really excited about it!
Ok, so we're actually just going to Pennsilvania for a few nights and picking up a few dogs. For those who don't know, my mom breeds a rare breed of Shepheard called Shilohs (Ch-ch-check her out
here). we're picking up an adult female and two female puppies (SQUEE) from a breeder friend of hers to join our motley crew.
It's exciting for a lot of reasons. For one it means getting out of here for a few days. It also means I get to actually go somewhere withjust my hilarious mother (good times are sure to be had). And of course there's the obvious: PUPPIES! I'm going to take a shat-load of photos. You too shall squee at the sight of these puppies, I assure you.
If you don't, I'm assuming that you are without a soul. No worries, I understand.
In other news, I changed my layout (Ellen Page as my default icon = YES PLZ). I just wanted something fresh and new to intice me to start using this thing more often again. It is now far more simple and generic and violates the eyes in much the same way that I hope to be violating the very lives of people I know on a daily basis.