look! If you go down to the bottom of the page to the article titled "Theme of Vic residence life is friendship", the feature picture next to it is of my boy!
I see that he has decided to yet again embrace the facial scruff.
Aw, I miss him.
But I shall see him in 8 days!
He's also quoted in the article a couple of times (as are Em Fan and Nikki McKnight, aw! Miss!). The piece is about the themed living and learning communities that exisit for residence students at Vic.
I love them, I think they're a great idea and I think the article does a good job of explaining why. I lived in the Arts and Culture house for my first two years and without a doubt I believe that experience is why I am so envolved at Vic now. I met great people (some of whom have come to be my closest friends), did amazing things, and had a wonderful time! Next year I am fortunate enough to be the don of another theme house, the Community Service house.
I'm so excited about it. I've been making plans all summer and I can't wait to get into it all.
Aww, Vic. Aww, Toronto. Aww, fourth year!
And of course - Aw, Oliver!