Title: One Morning on Wednesday (1/5)
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Gwen, Merlin, mentions of Gaius, Morgana, Freya, Vivian, Uther, Igraine and Tom
Warnings/Spoilers: Modern AU with unplanned pregnancy. Rated for language and references to sex.
Disclaimer: Obviously I don’t own Merlin or Arthur/Gwen because we all know this stuff only happens behind closed doors where the kiddies can’t see, right BBC?
Summary: Gwen has to find a way to tell Arthur she is pregnant with his child. Even once she has done that there are lots of other things to consider. One thing is for certain; this will be the longest nine months of their lives.
Author’s notes: This fic is an extended from a prompt I completed for the
camelot_love drabble tag. It is based on this ficlet here, which is based on a prompt by
ella_rose88. This fic is totally dedicated to her! :D This is my first AU (The long awaited AU I've thought of writing) so I'd be curious to know what you all think.
human_trash x-posted to several places.