May 26, 2007 23:34
Big surprise right?
Okay, once again Wayward Council is in desperate need to pay rent. This is donations only, and though we usually ask for $3 to $5, even $1 will be enough. This is totally last minute, but if you come out, I (Brian) will personally thank you, and even make you a mix-tape (or cd if you prefer).
You're probably asking yourself, "Why should I care that some crappy/awesome (depends on how you're looking at it) record store is going to be out of the picture?
Wayward Council is an entirely volunteer-run (no one gets paid) collective that carries alternative, punk, and indie cds, records, books, zines and holds a numerous amount of community events (including events involved with feminist group FACE and soon Books for Prisoners as well as a lot more). Alternative places like this need to function in society for a plethora of reasons that I'm sure would take up more than I have room for here, but that's another discussion.
10 pm
Fourth World
Roaring Twenties
Cassette (maybe)
Could I make this anymore long-winded?