... Second most likely to go insane? I'm already seven eigths of the way there. All I need is one more Winchester sibling threatening me with a sawn-off before I start storing my jager inside my pillow fort and give up on showering altogether.
ooc: Seriously! Thank you so much guys!! *tears! tears of joy*
. . . please don't give up on showering altogether. You're entirely too handsome to be so smelly, and how am I going to sneak around your little guard of bitchy angels and seduce you if you smell?
*Az totally waves the assertion of heterosexuality away, like a pesky bee*
You haven't done guys before, which I can totally understand. But I'm not a guy, love, I'm me.
It counts differently with hellgods. It's only a little gay to sleep with me, and it really shouldn't count at all in your homosexual experience column, you know? It's like a get out of jail free card, gods don't count toward sexual orientation.
*Az reaches out and lightly bops that stunningly gloriously handsome (and yet still not quite as handsome as himself, but we can't fault the angel for that, that just wouldn't be nice) archangel drops by*
I know, you know? *he shakes his head* We're supremely awesome, incredibly powerful, gloriously sexy beings. It's not even a matter of gay or straight with us.
Speaking of which, you are looking mighty fine today.
ooc: Seriously! Thank you so much guys!! *tears! tears of joy*
[Blushes like a 14 year old buying Hustler for the first time]
Yeah, baby, you. You're a tasty treat from tip to toe, don't you know that?
... I don't do guys.
You haven't done guys before, which I can totally understand. But I'm not a guy, love, I'm me.
It counts differently with hellgods. It's only a little gay to sleep with me, and it really shouldn't count at all in your homosexual experience column, you know? It's like a get out of jail free card, gods don't count toward sexual orientation.
You know, that's what I've been trying to tell people for years, but they still can't seem to get over the "What? You're a dude but not a dude thing."
I know, you know? *he shakes his head* We're supremely awesome, incredibly powerful, gloriously sexy beings. It's not even a matter of gay or straight with us.
Speaking of which, you are looking mighty fine today.
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