Arpea Awards; Feedback Post.

Nov 29, 2008 23:13

Hello again, everyone!

I am so relieved that everything went okay and it seems as though people had fun. I am actually pleased to say that I had to turn off notifications on the awards post as you lot are so chatty :P! (don't worry, it's a good thing).

Now, it's time for your feedback! As someone who participated - whether in nominating, voting, or just watching - this post is where you can leave your thoughts on the entire process of the past two months! Think of this as one giant online comment card, if you will.

Did you like the assortment of categories? Suggestions on more categories? Was there too much time in between the nominating and voting? Not enough? Any of this, feel free to touch on. And most importantly - would you like these awards to be run again?

I considered putting up a poll for all of this, but not everyone will have the same things to say, so I shall leave the post entirely open to let you say whatever it is you wish. Comments are screened, so please don't be scared. Even if it is something negative, I, as the Mod, would still very much like to hear it so I can improve if the Arpea's are handed out again in the future!

Thank you!

!2008 - feedback

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