Jun 27, 2005 08:01
So I find out tonight if Im going to be permantly on 3rd shift or not. I have today and tomorrow off also. Im nervous, becuase I really want 3rd shift. After working it for 2 weeks I definitely dont want to go back to 2nd shift. The 3rd shift manager is going to talk to the head manager for me tonight. Everyone cross their fingers. If not I'll be in a pissy mood I guarantee it. I might hang out with Chris tonight. He told me to give him a call tonight and see what hes up to. Hopefully we hang out. I mean I see him at work, but thats different.
Its supposed to be really hot today. Im definitely going swimming when I wake up. I wish there was a period of time at our pool where you had to be over 18 to swim in it. That way the little kids weren't bothering you the whole time. Damn children!
I need money. Bah