So, for some reason my sister & I have decided to make use of my dvd collection and watch ALL of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
And Angel.
This could take a while.
+ It's 1997.
+ It's 1997, and everything is hilarious. I spend a good portion of every episode wondering what the hell Buffy is wearing while simultaneously explaining 90's slang to my sister.
+ I really find it hard to stomach Xander, so far. I know he'll get better or... well, I hope he'll get better. I remember liking him the first time I saw this season. Y'know. In junior high. He's just... such a fucking Nice Guy when it comes to Buffy. I'll hand it to the writers - it's believable. I just can't stand him. He has his moments, but on the whole? SHUT UP SHE ISN'T GOING TO SLEEP WITH YOU. EVEN IF ANGEL IS A VAMPIRE, SHE IS NOT GOING TO SLEEP WITH YOU.
+ Timid Willow! Life needs to stop punching you in the heart! :(
+ I love Jenny Calendar. I remember watching this as the story unfolded, so it's different seeing her meet Giles and knowing what ends up happening to her. They could have been unstoppable! They could have had a spinoff that would undoubtedly fail! /sob
So... 8 down... 136 to go!