Jun 16, 2006 22:29
okay so a bunch of really good, and really funny things happened today....
1. Did nothing at school.
2. Went to the East Brunswick Mall with Brian. Tried Full Throttle energy drink for free in the parking lot. Played a contest to drink 16 ounces of it in 16 seconds and win a free hat. Brian won a free hat, i got nothing. It made me really hyper, but later on, tired. Next, we went to macy's and got "bbq"ing shirts (Hawaiian shirts.) the rack said 19.99 on sale, but it rang up as 16.99, which was fricken awesome. then we went home.
3. Work
a) some woman thought that the guy that works there (the guy is blatanlly from india) was Italian, which was hysterical! omg, we talked about it for an hour. like, you could mistake him for alot of things, even black if you pushed it, but he is the OPPOSITE of italian. hahaha. if you have ever been to subway (i work there, come visit me) you know what i am talking about when he is the opposite of italian.
b) two older teenage girls randomly went into the bathroom together? one came out, asked for a cup of water, and went back in? haha wierd, but whatever hahaha.
c) had a nice free sandwich.
d) Stefania, Anna and Josh came into to visit me, which was awesome stuff. It really added to the night. thanks for the visit!
4. Un named person for security purposes (so cire doesnt know) picked me up.
a)We went to cold stones. I couldve walked out without paying for my ice cream. andrew, who works there, might have set me up too do that, but i was in such a good mood, that i didnt feel like not paying and ruin it, ahha, so i waited. haha i felt pretty damn good.
b) We went to KFC, misc. person got the new chicken rice bowl, and i got popcorn chicken. BUT, before we ordered, i said i had to go the bathroom real quick, i went in, washed my hands, did my business, (in that order), came back out, and misc person looks at me, points and laughs. at which point i turn around and notice that it was the womens bathroom. At which point, I say, "I thought it was weird that there were no urinals." needless to say, we laughed for an hour.
c) went to the EB mall (second time today for me), went to fye, saw the billy joel cd i wanted, and i knew i might be able to get it cheaper in barnes and nobles. I go to b & n and i was right! it was! i bought it! next we walked back into the mall, and i look at the door and it says pull, and for some reason, it registered in my mind that pull meant push, pushed it and smashed the door in my face! haha so funny. then we went to macy's, walked around and left.
d) called sarah and then dan, and numerous other people, who couldnt hang out, so we parted ways.
What an awesome day!
btw, the billy joel, 12 gardens, live cd is fricken awesome!