Apr 05, 2005 17:46
[1] Full name: zoe-rachel braun
[2] Nicknames: zo, zobo, zoster, zobafina, zoelicious, rascal
[3] The date abortion failed: 8/13/91
[4] Current age: 13
[5] Where do you live: miami
[6] Height: 5'4
[7] In the morning I am: dancing out of bed
[8] All I need is: friends
[9] Love is: good stuff man
[10] If I could see one person right now: mike <3333 i miss you
[11] I dream about: retarded babies
[12] Been in Love: yes
[13] Cried when someone died: yes
[14] done drugs: hahahah these questions are gay
[15] Fallen for your best friend: yes
[16] Done something you regret: yes
[17] Hit A Boy: yes
[18] Stolen Anything: no
[19] Gotten Drunk: wow
[20] Didn't wash your hair for a week: nope
[21] Streaked the streets: no...BRA RUNN!! YES!!!
[22] Said I love you and meant it: yes
[23] Stay on AIM, waiting for a special someone to IM you: yes
[24] Save AIM conversations: hahahhahaah no
[25] Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: all the time
[26] Color your hair: i want to
[27] Ever get off the computer: no
[28] Obsess: yea
[29] Drink alcohol: sure
[30] Trust others way too easily: hahahah those days are over
[31] Makes you smile: when other people smile
[32] Has a crush on you: um
[33] Easiest to talk to: laura p?
[34] You talked to on the phone last: mother
[35] You IMed last: jamieeee
[36] IMed you last: jamieee
[37] You laughed with last: my sisterr
[38] Danced with last: skyler at dance..hahaha
[39] Food: celeryyy
[40] Fruit: green grapes
[41] Movie: billy madison babbayy
[42] Book/Author: go ask alice
[43] Song: ..anything jack johnson
[44] Type of car: dont care?
[45] Saying: fatty mc fat fat
[46] Ice Cream: vanillaaa
[47] Alcohol: hahahahhaaa kadness
[48] Holiday: umm..i hate holidays
[49] TV Show: vh1 shit
[50]Color: orange and green
[51] Shoes: sneakkkeeysss
[52] Your Fondest Memory of this year: englandddd
[53] Your Most Prized Possession: the poem zack wrote me before...
[54] Your Favorite Food For Breakfast: ummm MILK!
[56] Your Ideal BF/GF: matttt
Do you wear black eyeliner?: indeed i do
How much black clothing do you own?: uh just a few shirts and hoodies
Do you think about death often?: sometimes
Do you want to die?: sometimes
Are you a social outcast?: i dont think so?
Are you pale?: depedns what day it is..
Do you cut?:
Do you like Hot Topic?: sometimess
--Skater Punk--
Can you skateboard?: i used to
How often do you go into Vans?: when i feel like it
What's your sneaker brand?: puma?
Do you do stupid stuff with your friends?: yep
Are the long skater cuts hott?: yesss
How much do you get in trouble?: a lot
Do you listen to the bands who are considered "posers"?: nahh
How many piercings do you have?: 2?
How often do you say the word "like"?: oftne
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch?: mhmmm
Are the A&F models hott?: for sure
How many purses do you own?: alot but i got them from people
Is lipgloss a must?:NO!
How often do you wear makeup?: always eyeliner..thats it
Ever had a manicure?: like once?
Rock music is bad, right?: ew no!
Are you ever ditzy?: i was born like that
Do you own high heels?: yeah for band?
Have you ever said "Oh my gosh"?: mhmmm =)
Are you a cheerleader?: hahahahah those were the days
Are you from the ghetto?: FO SHOO!!!!...no
Do you own "bling bling"?: no?
What do you think about do-rags?: i wouldnt do ur rag..but u can do mine
Do you like rap?: noppe
How about hip-hop?: yeahh for dancingg cuz im cool u know
Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world?: ahahahaah i havent herd his shit..and hes alive..HES IN MEXICO!!...or in my closet
What do you think about afros?: heheheeh no
Have you ever said 'fo shizzle'?: um online?
How about 'oh, snap son'?: hahahah if u said that..i wouldnt be ur friend
Is life a party?: a huge one
How often do you get drunk?: when i feel like it
What's the point of getting drunk anyway?: ha its illegal so its fun OKAY!
Do you care about your grades?: nah
Do you need attitude adjustment?: i dont think so?
How often do you cry?: every other night
Do you have an ex?: yes
Do you have an acoustic guitar?: somewhere in this household
Are you emotional?: yes
Do you like soft music?: yep
Do people understand you?: never..
Do you write your own songs?: used to
Do you play any sports?: yesss =D
How important are they to you?: VERY important
How important is your reputation?: uhh not very
Do you pick on the geeky kids?: im friends with alot of them...=X
What do you think about football?: i love to watch it
Are you considered a bully by anyone?: nopee
Do you wear glasses?: no but i despreatly need them
Do you get good grades?: no
Are you smart?:hahahahahah NO!
Do you use an inhaler?: lmfaoo thats so mean
Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets?: YAH ITS THE NEW TREND..no
Does your mom buy your clothes?: hahah no
How often are you on the computer?: alot
Do you get picked on?: all the time..its cuz i suck at life..ill get over it ..one day
hahahaha so bored yet so fuckin sad