Thanksgiving visit and B's development as of late

Nov 28, 2011 13:40

Andy's family flew in from Phoenix for Thanksgiving this year, and the time with them flew by. Lots of meals, movie watching, shopping, and a trip through the Holiday Lights Spectacular in the regional park. We had Christmas with them Sunday afternoon, after church and lunch at POPS.

The first week of November, I started watching Corbin on Tues and Thurs. Corbs taught Barrett to climb on the coffee table, and within two weeks B conquered the dining room table. The best part about this feat is that he also learned how to back down off of tables, chairs, the couch, the bed, etc., instead of going down head first. He waves 'hi' and 'bye,' and he signs milk, airplane, fish, butterfly, banana, apple, and wash up...and he finally started signing more on Thanksgiving Day. If I start reciting a book, he'll go get it. He does the same for toys that "sing." And he'll retrieve his red circle from the shape sorter if I ask him about it. He indicates that he knows many words (Daddy, shoes, slippers, book, outside, Barrett's room, bus, helicopter, phone, eat, drink, cup, water). He babbles more everyday. This morning as I was finishing his diaper change, he started making a rhythmic verbal sound, and as I picked him up, he looked at the clock smilingly, and I realized the sound was his impression of the clock ticking.

Barrett has been great about taking 2- to 3-hour naps midday, which makes for a mostly non-fussy toddler the rest of the day. TMI warning: He's having consistently solid poops once a day now--such a relief after the months of changing 3-6 mushy, messy diapers per day. I think this is due to less nursing and more solids, as it should be at this age.

B's awake from his nap now. Till next time...
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