Adventures in Sleep Training -- The Storm

May 24, 2011 20:24

Tonight we had a storm right when I was supposed to put Barrett to bed. The tornado sirens were going off, and Andy, Bear, and I sat in the back hallway watching the TV for news of the tornados and hail in the area. We didn't get hit badly, but out backyard looked like a marsh, and we had strong wind and got some hail. Barrett was getting fussy just before the worst of what we got hit us. It cleared enough at 6:45 that I started the bedtime routine of brushing teeth and washing up. He was fussing during his diaper change and jammies, and I got halfway through Goodnight Moon. He had milk, but seemed alert after about 10 minutes, looking toward the bookcase as if there was something interesting there. I put him in his crib, and he immediately started crying, of course. Left and came back after 10 minutes this time. Lay him down, massaged his back some, still crying, left him for 15 minutes. Came back, he was standing in his crib, sobbing loudly, screaming even, as he had been in my absence. I couldn't help it--I picked him up, and he immediately stopped crying. He was calm as I held him and talked to him about what was happening and why. Then I asked if he wanted more milk. We sat in the glider, he relaxed and I stopped nursing after 5-10 minutes. He objected until I started patting his butt, when he went limp and closed his eyes. I put him down in his crib after a few minutes and continued patting his butt. And that's how he fell asleep.

It didn't help that he didn't get his nap this morning. I let him CIO once for 5 minutes and for some reason decided to get him out and put him in the Ergo while I went outside to water the garden and prune the rose bush. He yawned some but wouldn't fall asleep. My back was hurting, so I sat down at the computer at the dining room table, and he proceeded to grab and scratch my face with his claws. I had enough of that sensation, took him out of the Ergo, and clipped the nails on one of his hands while he writhed and cried intermittently. Then I think we went back to his room for another nap attempt. He wouldn't go to sleep...I think I left him a couple times at 5 and then 10 minutes at a time, and he was just too worked up. Time for a stroll up and down the street! He was out fast, and he slept 30-40 minutes in the stroller before waking. Not a long enough nap, so I took him to his room, nursed him, and tried to put him in his crib. He awoke... I may have tried to let him cry 5 minutes, then I gave up and brought him to Andy, who had come home in the middle of Bear's stroller nap.

We went to Walmart to pick up oil for my car and went to dinner about an hour later. Bear didn't make one outburst and seemed very content and alert at the restaurant. Lupe's has great highchairs with nice big trays. Bear played with his rattle, had some Super Puffs, then when we got our food, he shared some rice, chicken, and guacamole with us. It was pouring rain when we left Lupe's, and I sat in the backseat with Bear, who continued to be smiley and alert. And now we're chronologically back at the beginning of this post!

It is so hard to hear him scream and wail in his crib. I hope the 9-10-hour sleep stretches the past two night were not just a fluke--please let it be a continuing trend! And then maybe I can start getting enough sleep too!
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