Jul 19, 2005 13:35

Ok, some time this week going to go get my hair cut. I am thinking to cut it to my chin so only a inch or 2 will be chopped off. But what I don't know is... if I should get bangs or leave my hair the way it is. I kinda think it would be cool to have bangs again. But I don't know if it would make me look younger or what not. Comment and let me know what you think.

Ok besides that............new toy well not mine, brandon got a gutiar, this one is an electric. So now we can both play at the same time. :) finally got my debit card :) and got a few credit card apps, haven't took time to read them over. but yeah should do that soon.

haha got something in the mail today adressed to "to the parrents of michele mcdonald" i was like ha don't live at home, and i'm 18 so all my mail should be comming in my name shouldn't it.

bad news found out a few days ago that the school had messed up and i didn't graduate, stupid school sending home something *to my dads'* saying that i did, got my hopes up for nothing, that is something you don't mess up, by sending stuff in the mail like that. I thought ford was going to be nice to me seeings how the messed basically my whole schooling up by not getting me what i needed when i needed it, and yeah I coulda sued them for not supllying me with books, or my homework, but nooo I was nice, u think theyd be nice to.

so now i gotta look online, either for a school near here, or see how much home schoolling is, or find out that number to tv where u can train at home in like 8 weeks or what ever. Hopefull that isn't to much money, I'd much rather do that than go to a new school, put up with the same shit again.

mm off to do something

comment on the hairstyle:
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