Sep 01, 2004 21:43
Ever since I bought it on DVD on Monday, I've been going mad watching it. It's keeping me entertained until I go back to college next week, which is a good thing right now. It's not the best film ever made, but it makes me laugh. Watching it on the cinema was great but now, finally, having it in my cool. Orlando is Jimmy, plain and simple. The fact that it's a small, British, personal film, makes it all the more enjoyable when watching Orlando in it. Seeing him in his own environment rather than the big movies that he seems to be doing. (I'm not complaining about those. LOL) It's just nice to see him as a typical 'Brit boy' every now and then, you know what I mean? Which I'm sure he still is one...I hope. I don't want him to lose his lovely Brit charm.
The extras...
As Cat, Sonia and Mandi already know (by my ranting about it. Don't you girls? *winks* ), my favourite deleted scene was, without a doubt, the "Towel" scene. See my LJ icon, above? That's from it! (Mandi, thank you so much for the prezzie! ;-) )
- Involving Stan (Jimmy's best mate) sneaking up on Jimmy in the shower room while Jimmy is in front of a mirror, practicing his fist jabs. I also remind you that he has just a yellow towel wrapped around his waist. Stan, the devil that he is, surprises Jimmy by grabbing another towel and whipping it at the poor man's "treasures". Ouch! Needless to say, Jimmy's hands drop and he's doubled over, winded beyond belief. I understand why it was left out of the final film but it's so funny to see. Orlando's facial expressions there are just brilliant. Blowing out puffs of air, squinting his eyes, clenching his get the picture. Looking so amusing. The comical timing is great...and he looks so damn sexy! I can't tell you how sexy he is there. Even with his ever-so-sweet-and-little Jimmy 'South London' accent.
HE'S IN A TOWEL! That bit seems immature I know, but I can't help it right now. I'm a woman, I have hormones. Anyways, I can't wait to see more screencaps of this scene, I tell ya!
Okay, need to breathe. I'll be back later with a more intelligent (HA!) post about 'The Calcium Kid'. ;-)