(originally written for
lost_in_108: #18 - circles)
Title: Where Is the Whiskey Gone?
savepurenessRating: G
Spoilers/Warnings: Season 2
Disclaimer: Lost characters and settings belong to their rightful owners; I am only borrowing their toys for no profit whatsoever. They’ll be safely returned to their place.
Summary: Desmond Hume has a mind of his own.
True pirates ask, where is the rum gone?
Desmond Hume wonders about his whiskey; strong, slightly sour, slightly spicy on the tip of his tongue - when it’s gone there’s nothing left to do but drawing circles in the sand.
He digs his fingers in, skin upon grains, and remembers skin upon skin.
Moving slowly, he traces a circle; a small one, to begin with. He closes his eyes and travels back without actually going there - as it happens - back to a life he always hoped he could secure.
Behind shut eyes, Desmond’s fingertips are drawing circles on Penny’s cheek, while she’s asleep, oblivious.
Reality is a cruel mistress.