Jun 19, 2006 17:32
So, is it fucking hot or what?! Oddly enough, I like it. :) As long as the humidity stays away I think I can get use to the hot and sunny days of summer no problem. Just slather me up in SPF900 and I'm gooood. Speaking of which, I wish I had remembered to put sun block on yesterday on my way to my parents house in NH.....I now have one pink arm. Who brought the cool kid!!!
This weekend was pretty fun. Friday we celebrated Dij's b-day with a "Grill You Bastard" BBQ. Lots of people, food, and booze. For the most part I enjoyed myself, got a little "social anxiety" going when a lot of people I didn't know showed up...but that's okay. Ironically, I did meet one of J's ex's there....who insisted on telling me that she was too much woman for him when they dated and that he now wants her back.....apparently she thought I needed to know that? *puzzled look on face* Meeting her alone was enough reason for me to know why it didn't work in the first place....but moving on...
Saturday I spent running errands and such. Since I was so busy the entire week I had to get father's day goods and Dij his b-day present....oh....and grocery shop since I hadn't done that in weeks. The rest of the night I spent at home. Everyone was heading out to the Phoenix, but I don't usally like going there cause a). I hate kareoke, and b). because I end up standing there alone due to everyone bringing their dates along. I felt bad not going cause Dij wanted me to be there, but I wasn't up for a night of solitary soberness....
Sunday was father's day so off to the middle of nowhere I went. It was good times as usual, fam's doing good and all that.
Unfortunately, today was Monday and work was work. I think I liked the insanity of last week compared to the monotany of this week. The getting over the "hump" of senior season has passed so everything should just get better as the days go on. Only 9 more days in the office then I'm on the road....I can't fucking wait!!! (Freedom & $$$) The only bad part is I don't have Josie, my partner in crime, with me....I'm flying solo for the majority of the summer. On the bright side...I'll get a lot of reading done and watch a few movies in bewteen. :P
Wow, that was two fairly long entries in the past few days....I'm must be smoking something...