sibling rivalry?

Feb 10, 2011 14:43

You know, a little competition is normal, especially when same-sex siblings are still rather young and foolish and immature. A little competition can even be a good thing, especially if it's competition in areas like cleanliness, fitness, academics, etc.

But I never was competing with you. I was competing against my peers. Because, you know, there are five freaking years between us and it didn't make sense to me to fight with you over anything?

It was bad enough that the adults used to say that I was ugly/plain/weird and that you were the cute/pretty/beautiful/adorable one, back when our ages were still in single digits. It was bad enough that they continued to say when we were teenagers that although I was probably smarter, you were the beautiful/talented/lovable one.

It was bad enough that the favouritism was so obvious, our mother listened to you rather than me regarding plans for my wedding.

It was bad enough that after I finally got married and moved out, suddenly the parents decided to spend money and time having actual fun with you. Complete with photo and video evidence that was proudly displayed everywhere, even online-- when they were never interested in going anywhere or doing anything interesting while I was around. Oh, yes, my wanting to buy something that cost $2 totally deserved a public telling off in which I was accused of "always wasting money".

But all that could have been borne with good grace. It could have.

But you know what pisses me off right now?

That right now, at the ages of 23 and 28, you are announcing all over Facebook and Twitter and Multiply and Blogspot that because of XXX proof and YYY evidence, you are "evidently the favourite daughter by far".

You know what?


family, rants, issues

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