Is this thing still on!?

May 10, 2010 18:37

Figured id use my LJ i am after all paying nothing for it and all those muns are going to waste!

Anyways. ive noticed a bunch of artists that highly emulate disney style or just other artists. While ive no problem with this, (flattery is the sincerest form of flatter after fatter... um.. shatner flatterer... WHATEVER!) Ive noticed at least a couple charging for it, or at least taking credit for the content AND style. Im not like any crusade to rid the world of this, its just kinda there and i just shake my head and think, "Damn kids"

Anyways. does anyone give a shit? I mean about my posts!? emo bla emo bla! bla bla emoemoemo! rah rah rah!!!


Anyways. um... well shit i dont know what to do when i have more than 140 characters of space! Um maybe ill sing. NO... wait... no one wants that.


*runs away flapping and squawking*
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