Feb 08, 2005 00:05
FYI--after Peter's crazy evening the other day, he slept 6 or 7 hours straight (which is unheard of here) that night. Wacky.
Peter keeps surprising me with his development. Today, he wanted to get up on our big chair but couldn't reach. His play drum was nearby and he pushed it to the chair, carefully balanced on it, and got up onto the chair. The drum is barely longer than his foot. Then later, he took the water bottle we use to wet our wipes when we're out and about and tried to squeeze it onto some wipes (but couldn't get it open). He has been using the "nurse" sign and the "more" sign constantly lately. We realized that he uses "more" instead of "eat", so we're trying to teach him that now. We were at the grocery store tonight and he reached over to the cheese, so I gave him a sample. Then the darn kid kept signing for more! When the phone rings, he puts his hand over his ear as if he's talking, even before we go to the phone. He says "buh buh" and waves when people leave. He regularly takes a step to reach from one piece of furniture to another.
Some evenings Dan and I just sit and watch him to see what he comes up with next.