Jan 17, 2005 10:32
[x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x]
What's your name? ::: Katherine Virginia Stone
Birthplace ::: Oklahoma
Age ::: 18
Age you act ::: i dunno. you tell me
Current location ::: mandeville
Eye color ::: green
Hair color ::: brown
Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: righty
Zodiac sign? ::: scorpio
Height? ::: 5' 9"
[x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x]
Your heritage/nationality ::: 1/4 english. 1/4 french. 1/4 hungarian. 1/4 irish.
Your hair ::: mid length and straight when i straighten it. i usually wear it up because im a lazy whore.
Your fears ::: birds. falling down. roaches.
Your perfect room ::: hmm....i'll have to think of that
What you practically do in a day ::: chill
[x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x]
Words you overuse ::: dude, dos
Phrases you overuse ::: like the moe
Your first thought when you wake up ::: can i make it to the bathroom?
Your greatest accomplishment ::: if i graduate. that. lol
Something you want to do ::: have fun.
[x] Part 4 -- This or that [x]
Pepsi or Coke ::: coke
McDonald's or Burger Kings :::BK
Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: DIRRTY
Chocolate or vanilla ::: Vanilla
Adidas or Nike ::: Adidas
Black or white ::: black
Bills or Coins ::: Bills.
Burgers or hot dogs ::: burger
Egypt or France ::: france because its beautiful. im sure egypt is too though. but it might be too hot. and fat kinds sweat
Rock or rap ::: rock!
[x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x]
Smoke ::: yes
Cuss ::: never
Sing well ::: not really.
Sing in the shower ::: yup
Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::: "i think its cooler to watch it burn than to smoke it..*long pause*..am i talking right now?"
Believe in yourself ::: I CAN DO ANYTHING YOU AN DO, BETTER
Play an instrument ::: no
Want to go to college? ::: undecided
Want to get married? ::: i dont know
Want to have children? ::: maybe
Think you're a health freak? ::: ha
Get along with your parents ::: my dad yes. my mom......not usually.
Get along with your siblings? ::: jamie yes. tommy......not usually.
Think you're popular ::: hmm....i guess everyone is popular with their own group of friends.
[x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x]
Gone out of state ::: yes
Drank alchohal ::: yes
Smoke ::: yes
Get high ::: yes
Done any drugs :::yes
Eaten an entire box of oreos ::: no
Been on stage ::: yes
Gone skinny dipping ::: no
Been dumped ::: no
Dyed your hair ::: yes
Stolen anything ::: yes
[x] Part 7 -- The Last... [x]
Last dream ::: dont remember
Last nightmare ::: dont remember
Car ride ::: last night.
Last time you cried ::: umm....saturday night.
Last movie seen ::: dont remember
Last movie rented ::: poltergiest.
Last book read ::: alice in wonderland.
Last word said ::: bye
Last curse word said ::: dont remember
Last time you laugh ::: last night.
Last phone call ::: about an hour ago
Last CD played ::: pink floyd
Last song you listened to ::: brain damage.
Last annoyance ::: tommy
Last IM ::: glen
Last weird encounter ::: when i tripped the other night.
Last person you hugged ::: cassie i think.
Last person you yelled at ::: tommy/.
Last time you wore a skirt ::: right now.
Last time you've been evil ::: tommy calls me satan
Sarcastic? ::: never.
Last time you fought with your parents ::: i dunno
Last time you wished upon a star ::: i dunno
Played Truth or Dare ::: i dont remmeber
Spent quality time alone ::: i dunno
[x] Part 8 -- Randomness [x]
Are you talking to someone on AIM ::: yes
Do you feel lonely ::: nope
Ever TP'd someone's house ::: no
How about egging someone's house ::: no
Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::: haha
What do you think of George Bush? ::: shouldnt be the president of our country.
Do you like to wear chains? ::: ...? no
How many languages do you speak? ::: one.