(no subject)

Sep 24, 2005 10:07

Question #119: If this country were to be totally obliterated in a nuclear attack, would you favor unleashing the US nuclear arsenal on the aggressors?

Of course not. Violence only begets violence. There's no need to lump massive suffering upon massiver suffering.

Question #120: Would you accept $10,000 for shaving your head without wearing a wig or hat in your daily activities and offering no excuse?

Apparently whent his book was published, it was taboo to have a shaved head. Even if I were a woman or had hideous scars on my scalp, I'd do it. That's, like, a lot of money.

Question #121: If you were able to wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else, would you do so? Who would you choose?

If "wake up in the body of someone else" means having to run their life for them for an indeterminate amount of time, then I don't think I would want to do that. My handle on my own life is tenuous as it is.

But if it means just waking up with a different body, then I think I would. Who doesn't want to be more attractive and healthier? As long as the new body doesn't have herpes or a history of alcoholism or something.
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