
Dec 11, 2004 02:37

Dear Diary,

well, its 230 and i cant sleep, so i decided to make one of these. i probably wont write in it often, so dont get excited. at least now i can tell mother i have a journal. well i suppose i could put what i did today in here.
this morning i went to school. that went by uneventfully, until lunch, when i decided t ditch and go to desert ridge to watch mr. brad woods's band, ONtheMORROW perform during lunch like he claimed they would. all my friends wimped out, except bobbi( although she doesnt even count because she's out of school after 4th hour anyway. so she leaves school and i get out by "going to seminary" except actually i just went to ryans and waited for bobbi to come get me, because thats where we decided on meeting up. so we drive to good 'ol DRHS, and, lo and behold, we cant get in. we can sneak out of a school easy enough, but when it comes to getting into a school, well, thats a different story altogether. so we decide to be pacifists(since i coulda taken they're wimpy security guards easy) and go to the office for guest passes. but they wouldnt give them to us. and they wouldnt page brad for us so he could get us in because he would tell them that we're family coming to see his concert. so we left and i got back to school with just enough time left in 5th hour to go to seminary. so, like any other sane person, i took an extra lunch. oh, and interestingly enough, i heard no music coming from DRHS, so i'm not so sure if this "concert" even existed.
Now its after school. i go home and watch jerry(topic:prostitutes confronted) and other fascinitang shows until dana finally picks me up for a channukah feast. it was good. also accompening us at the feast: melanie, kenny, Topher, and Cooley. That got lame after not to long, so we went to cooley's house. where he got stoned. which was fun to watch. oh, wait, before he got stoned, we took all these car magnets he's stolen(the yellow ribbon "support your troops") and cover the side of chris' car with 'em and go to sonic. where we get a free cone(they didnt even take the coupon, so we still have it) and 4 free waters. one of which, thanks to kenny's bright ideas, i threw onto chris' windshield. so then we went to a gas station so me and kenny could clean up the mess. THEN we watched cooley get stoned. then bla bla bla, i'm home, nohing to do, watch elimidate, make livejournal, etc. and here we are. naked. well I'M naked. i dont know about you. you should be though. lifes just funner in the nude. trust me.well, i'm off. except probably not. i just have nothing else to put in this thing. this was actually (in a sick way) kind of fun. maybe i'll write in here more than i thought.

Yours Truly,
Camaron Stevenson
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