From Tn First Lady....

Mar 24, 2009 09:12

This weekend, thousands of Nashville citizens and businesses will turn off their lights to make a bold statement about climate change as part of Earth Hour. On Saturday, March 28, at 8:30 p.m., I ask that you, your family and friends please join us to show your commitment to sustaining a healthy planet by switching off your lights for one hour.

The Nashville community is proud to have been chosen as one of seven flagship Earth Hour cities in the U.S. - others include Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, Las Vegas, Atlanta and San Francisco - but tens of millions of people will participate around the world. We hope this effort extends beyond Nashville to the entire state of Tennessee. To show our commitment, all of the state office buildings in Tennessee will be going dark this night, including the Capitol.

Sign up at sign up to participate in Earth Hour and commit to turning off your lights on March 28 at 8:30 p.m.

Do you want to do something beyond turning out the lights? Or if turning out the lights isn’t a feasible option, how else can you show your support?
· Don’t just flip your switches! Turn off unnecessary appliances and devices.
· Dine by candlelight.
· Host a “green” block party and brainstorm ways your community can work to conserve energy.
· Contact your local utility to see if they offer a “do-it-yourself” home energy audit, and give your home a green makeover.

Earth Hour is a tremendous opportunity for the state of Tennessee to demonstrate its commitment to the environment on a global scale and to garner worldwide recognition for doing so. I appreciate your participation.
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