Here is more sad news...FYI

Jun 27, 2008 12:21

This is from Amy...her partner is Vicki and this is clipped from Amy's e-mail to me...the first sentence is concerning Starhelm's passing...

"I will remember him tonight as I say my prayers and offer up energy to his family. I also pass along sad news in regard to Vickie. We took her in today for a total body PET scan as her CT scan last week showed liver metastasis of her cancer. They are looking for confirmation and to see if the cancer has spread elsewhere. We follow up with the oncologist on Friday and then I am taking her to visit with her family for a couple of weeks. The oncologist suggested to us when we talked with him last week that if her cancer has spread to the liver as they think it has that Vickie may not want to take any further treatment (i.e. chemo or radiation) and think about Hospice. We will know more day after tomorrow. I will let you all know more once we know more."

My heart goes out to Amy and Vicki...
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